Chapter 1

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Before I start, I think it's important for you to know what Anakin's relationship is like with Padmé. In this story, they never fell in love or got married. They are still best of friends and it will never be anything more. 

Kathryn Newton as Nivix Palpatine

"Good morning, Father," I greet as I walk into the Chancellor's office

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"Good morning, Father," I greet as I walk into the Chancellor's office.
"Nivix, so good to see you," He returns from the chair at his desk. I walk over to a hidden cupboard and pick up my red lightsaber. Waving it at my father with a smile on my face, he sighs in return.

"I love that you are so eager to learn the dark side, my dear," Father admits, "But if someone were to catch us, it could be the end of everything we've worked for," I sigh in annoyance as a place the lightsaber back.
"And when exactly will this plan pay off?" I ask impatiently, "You have had me implanted in the Jedi Order since I was a child,"

"I actually called you here to tell you that I want to move forward with the plan," Father informs, earning a genuine smile from me, "I want you to get close to the young Anakin Skywalker. Start showing him the power that the dark side could give him, but only in small amounts,"
"Sounds easy enough," I shrug.

My commlink starts beeping and I answer it to hear Master Windu's voice from the other side. "Nivix, where are you?" He asks.
"Just checking up on my father's security, Master," I respond.
"We have a problem and need you to return to the Temple immediately," Windu instructs.
"I understand, I will be there as soon as I can," I say before ending the connection.

Before leaving, I give Father a quick hug before returning my mindset to the Jedi ways. Oh, how I hate them, but I know that it will lead to greatness for my family. Before I can even finish my thoughts, my speeder approaches the large Jedi Temple and I rush towards the Council room.

"You wished to see me, Masters?" I confirm as I walk into the room. There is another Knight with his Padawan already standing in the middle of the room, so I move to join them.
"We did," Master Yoda speaks, "To be sent on a mission, you are, with Skywalker and Padawan Tano,"

I smirk at the Knight next to me, understanding who he is. This is going to be way to easy. "Skywalker," Master Yoda continues, turning to the man beside me, "Useful, Palpatine will be,"
"I don't quite understand, Master," Anakin admits, "But I will be sure to speak with the Chancellor before we leave,"

A couple Masters from around the room chuckle at Anakin's mistake and I can't help but join in. "Master Yoda wasn't talking about the Chancellor," I inform the Jedi as I hold my hand out for him to shake, "My name is Nivix Palpatine,"
"My apologies," Anakin rushes to apologise as he takes my hand, "I did not realise that the Chancellor had a daughter,"

With a shrug, I retract my hand and turn back to the Council. "When will we be leaving?" I ask.
"You have three hours to gather your troops and prepare," Master Kenobi answers. I nod before turning to leave with Skywalker and his Padawan.

"Sorry for my mistake," Anakin apologises again, "I'm Anakin Skywalker and this is my Padawan Ahsoka Tano," I smile at his efforts to recover from his mistake.
"I actually know who you are, Skywalker," I smirk, "My father speaks highly of you,"

Suddenly stopping, I uneasily look up and down the hallway. Ahsoka and Anakin notice and he speaks up, "Is everything alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, it's just that a sparring session normally helps me stay calm before a mission," I admit, "Master Windu normally spars with me but he seems to be busy," Anakin seems to think to himself before coming up with a solution.
"I need to talk with Ahsoka and my Captain, but after that I could meet you in the training room," He suggests. Gratefully, I nod to him before walking to the training room as Anakin walks in a different direction.


I can't stop myself from chuckling when I knock Anakin to the ground for the third time. "How do you do that?" He asks in awe as I help him up.
"Promise not to judge me?" I return.
"Sure?" He agrees, though it sounds more like a question.
"I draw the slightest amount of power from the dark side," I explain, "Not enough for it to consume me, but enough to make me faster and stronger,"

We both start walking out of the Temple as I watch the gears in Anakin's head turn. As we arrive at the landing pad where Ahsoka waits for us, Padmé Amidala makes her way up to us. "Padmé, what are you doing here?" Anakin asks in surprise.
"I was sent to talk with Nivix," The Senator explains, "Her father is concerned for her safety on this mission,"

"That's sweet of him, but I've been on many missions just like this one in the past," I say, ignoring my father's warning. Padmé turns all her attention to me as she continues.
"Count Dooku has threatened the Chancellor and he worries the threat also applies to you," I am told.

I think about the words, trying to understand what code might be imbedded into the message, "Thank you, Padmé. Tell my father that I will be extra careful and will contact him when we are on our way back to Coruscant," I instruct. The Senator reluctantly nods before leaving and Ahsoka makes her way up to us.

"Are we ready to leave, Master?" The young Togruta asks.
"Yeah, Snips," Anakin responds, "Let's get going," The three of us walk into a transport that will take us to the larger ship waiting for us in orbit.
"Where are we going, again?" I ask.
"We are needed on Christophsis," Anakin explains, "The Separatists have sent a great number of reinforcements and the clones there are overwhelmed,"

As we land, Anakin and Ahsoka start to make their way to the bridge. "One more spar once you're done?" I call to Anakin. He turns around and starts walking backwards so he can see me.
"Sure, we'll see if you can keep up your streak," Anakin challenges.
"Challenge accepted," I smirk.

Alright! Chapter 1 of a new story! I think that I've actually nearly finished writing the story already but I will only upload one chapter per day.

Thank you for reading this and please tell me what you think. 

In some other stories I've seen readers enjoying a words count for each chapter, so I'll try doing that. Please tell me your opinions on the word counts and if you like it I might add them to my other stories too.

Word count: 1032

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