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hi guys this is an alex mattson fanfic of if belarus wasn't disqualified. i have main characters and they all have names and i'll mention their appearances but if u don't like it then change it in ur head. i'm using an actual song for their entry and i'll credit the artists at the end of the chapter. and LASTLY the belarusian national selection is going to b like the a competition just bc i feel like that would b fun yk? anyways thank uuu <3

i woke up in his bed. again. the third time this week. god i hate this. i hate that i do this to myself. we're band mates after all. i don't even remember last night but what i do remember is that the belarusian national committee is telling us if we're finalists today. i have to be sober for that. i look over and see dmitri still passed out. without waking him i get dressed and leave his flat as quickly as possible.

"where were you last night?" asked lacy. she's my best friend and the best guitarist i've ever heard. i had to be honest with her but i felt horrible about all of this.
"i woke up in dmitri's bed again." i responded while stirring my tea. we had gone out to a local cafe to catch up and just hang out.
"girl again? you have to get this under control. he's head over heels for you and you're just playing him." she reminded me. i felt awful about all of this but i needed a fix. i mean, old dogs don't learn new tricks (hehe did y'all see what i did LMFAO).
"i know i know i just can't seem to break out of the habit. he's not my soulmate but he fills me for now. literally." i replied adding some of my 12 year old boy humor which lacy gasped that. i immediately started laughing and she slapped me on the shoulder before eventually laughing as well.

the two of us went our separate ways and made plans for all four of us to meet up at 17:00 to wait for the results at 18:00. on my way to the studio i was bored and decided to turn on the radio in my car. i turned on my favorite rock station and...
"the winners of finland's UMK... BLIND CHANNEL. welcome blind channel so glad to have you guys here. blind channel's song 'Dark Side' has been chosen to travel to Rotterdam to compete in the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. Here it is now."
i hadn't heard their song yet so i was curious as to how it sounded. i turned up the radio and just heard
"ugh gross." i quickly turned off the radio. their song was good but i forced myself to feel a hatred towards them. i think it was jealousy? i mean they made it to ESC but there's a good chance we might not.

i pull up to the studio and when i get inside alexei is nervously tapping his drumsticks on lacys guitar case and dmitri grabbing a beer from the mini fridge. lacy pulls out her small macbook and we silently wait. it seems like hours when i look at the digital clock we have on the wall and see there's still 5 minutes to go before we figure out if we made it. while staring at the screen i feel a hand grab mine. i look over and see dmitri sending me a smile as he squeezes my hand. i feel awful for leading him on.

"guys what happens if we don't make it." lacy says sounding upset. she spoke what we were all thinking. there's a very good chance we won't make it.
"if we don't make it we don't make it. there's nothing we can do. we just know that we took a big risk and we won't spend our lives asking what if." replied alexei encouragingly. he always knows just what to say in times like these.
"he's right. so, if we don't make it we drink and if we do make it we party." i say trying to make light of this stressful situation. lacy gives me a nervous smile and turns back to refresh the page. all four of us stare at the clock counting down the seconds until 18:00. when the clock hits 17:59 i start counting down.
the second the clock hits 18:00 lacy refreshes her email and sees an email from the committee.
"dear moon anubis, thank you so much for submitting your song as you know there are so many entries each year blah blah blah and only seven can make it thru yea i get it. so without further ado the belarusian national committee is pleased to say that YOUR BAND WILL BE PERFORMING AT THE FINALS FOR A CHANCE TO GO TO THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2021" lacy reads getting louder and louder until she screams the last part.
we were all overly excited to have made it into the finals. i ran out of the studio to call my mom.
"ciao la mia figlia"
"mamma. we made it"
"oh mi amore i'm so proud"
"thanks mamma. i couldn't have done it without your love. i love you mama. ma now we have to win"
"sì mi amore. you can do it. you WILL do it. i know you can"
"grazie mamma"
"prego darling. i'll tell papa and you have fun tonight"
"grazie again mamma. i love you. arrivederci"
after i got off the phone with my mom i ran back into the studio to be met with lacy sobbing on the ground with the boys trying to console her. i noticed a beer bottle by her feet and realised that she was drinking. she was always an emotional drunk.
"scarleigh i'm so happy i cant even express it. we have a shot" she managed to get out in between her violent sobs. i smiled and sat on the floor. i started rubbing her back to console her as well.
"i know you are lacy. we all are super happy. and we're gonna take the shot and use it to get to rotterdam because we can do it. i know we can. and we will. now let's get fucking wasted" i tell her.
we drive out to a bar nearby and party our hearts out. it was perfect. we all got wasted. that's all i remember.
the next morning i woke and was thankfully in my own bed. the official announcement to the public was coming out in exactly a week so i needed to find ways to distract myself from the upcoming blast of interviews.
throughout the week i was so stressed that i threw myself back into my old habits. i woke up at 2, had a piece of old pizza, go to the bar, drink until i physically can't, call dmitri, and wake up in his bed the next morning. i did what i always do in overly stressful situations: crumble.
the day of the official announcement i woke up, surprisingly in my own bed, and went to the studio. on my way there i shuffled my playlist and screamed all the songs the entire ride. at the studio i met up with the rest of the group and we hung out for an hour. after an hour i got a call from our manager telling us to meet her outside. we all went outside and saw a huge bus. our manager told us all to get in.
"ana? is this for us," i questioned wide eyed.
"it is scarleigh. isn't it great? as finalists you guys get special treatment which includes your own transportation," she smiled at us. we all got on the bus and went down to headquarters.
as we pulled into the building i saw three men each taller than the last in suits waiting for us. as we got out they greeted us and told us they were a part of the national selection committee. we walked inside with them and the tallest, Mr. Nesterovich, told us we were to have our first interview as finalists today. it's still so surreal that our silly little band made it to the finals. the four of us made it to the room and immediately we noticed it was full of cameras.
"all right i'm going to have scarleigh up in the front here. perfect then dmitri i'm going to put you right next to her. no, on the left. alexei, yes right on the stool in the back. and, lacy, right next to him. perfect guys. alright so when the cameras start rolling i want scarleigh to introduce the band and herself. after this, starting with lacy, introduce yourselves. then the interviewer will ask some questions and just go along." the director instructed us all. we were all giddy with excitement and lacy and i squealed and sat in our places. we finally have a chance at making it. we get the signal for the cameras and it's finally begun.
"hello belarus. we are 'moon anubis' and we're competing this year for a chance at performing our song 'fool moon' during the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam. i'm scarlett leigh, better know as scarleigh, and i sing," i speak towards the camera barely able to hold back my giant smile.
"hello i am lacy, i play the guitar," lacy said giving her award winning smile.
"hey guys i'm alexei. i bang on things so i guess that makes me the drummer," alexei jokes. we all laugh for a quick second.
"and last but certainly not least i'm dmitri. i play the bass," dmitri laughed. we made eye contact and i noticed his cheeks redden.
"welcome moon anubis. so how did you guys create the bake moon anubis?" our interview asks. i decide to answer this one.
"ah well when we first became a group we needed to create a name for ourselves. we had been hanging out that night and sitting on the rooftop of lacy's old apartment building just admiring the night sky and each other's company. the moon was particularly beautiful that night and it was kind of went from there. we all loved egyptian mythology so it worked," i told the interviewer. life was so simple back then.
after that all the normal interview questions followed such as "what was the inspiration for 'fool moon'" or "how did you all meet". we've yet to meet the other contestants but i don't care i'm more focused on rotterdam. i know our song is capable but now we only need one more thing. a killer performance.

HEY. ok so a few things to clarify. but blind channel won't come in for a little bit (SORRY). i'm doing the buildup yk? also sorry if this is bad i'm not a very good writer but i'm trying my best. the song i'm using is an actual song called fool moon (no really AHEIEI) by anteros. thanks guys <3

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