Chapter 48

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H e  w a s  r u t h l e s s 

S h e  w a s  s h y

H e  w a s  c r u e l 

S h e  w a s  s w e e t

H e  w a s  f e a r ed 

S h e  w a s  l o v e d.


" Darling raise your head" The  husky voice said to me as i continued to look at my feet, in which at the moment they seemed to be very interesting. " Darling i don't have all day." The husky voice continued. i didn't even need to lift my head to know who it was. 

He yanked my head upward with his hand on my chin. Trying to make me look in his eyes.

I kept mine shut. 

He grunted... I could feel the aura of power around him as I continued to disobey. 

" Darling i will not hesitate to kill you" He began speaking slow trying to steady his anger

" Then why haven't you killed me yet?" i asked as i made the worst decision i've ever made. I opened my eyes. 

At that moment only one word was going through my head, 



Scarlett Smith is an average 19 year old were-wolf. She's sweet and affectionate and as everyone says would make the perfect Luna. Except She's a Beta. But when Thaddeus Reynolds pack comes to kill take the land Scarlett feels an odd sense of security. Until she realizes. 

He's her mate.



I woke up with Drew's shirt on me by the sound of yelling. I got up from the couch that i was placed on where i heard the voices which came from Drew's office. 

"I NOW DENOUNCE YOU FROM MY PACK AND YOU ARE ROUGE" Drew's voice boomed through out the house as i heard and ear piercing scream that was soon silenced with a loud crack. I looked through the little slit through the door and saw Sandy's lifeless body on the floor. My eyes widened as I looked at her. I looked at Drew as his eyes met mine, filled with regret. 

I quickly turned on my heel and walked out with out saying a word as he ran after me. 

"Amber! Amber!!" i continued to walk ignoring him 

"AMBER" he said using his voice that shook the house. I froze in my spot not sure what was stopping me. He stood in front of me as i refused to look in his eyes. 

"Amber look at me" he gritted through his teeth while i just ignored him and traced the lines on the hard wood floor. 

"Amber she tried to kill you. i had to kill her, i can't let anyone hurt you" he said his voice cracking. I looked up at him as tears started to freely fall down his face; i never have seen him cry before so i stood there unsure of what to do. 

"Did you kill Zach too?" i asked in a quiet voice. He nodded his head in shame.

"Drew its ok" i cooed trying to rid him of the shame.

"Amber, i don't regret killing them" He snapped "I regret you having to see them dead" 


I went to sleep in the guest room that night, my body tossing and turning; sleeping seemed impossible. I heard a scream from Madison room that caused me to jump up and sprint to her room.  When i got there a man was in a coat and holding her. "Who are you?" i asked as i made my way towards the light switch. 

The man didn't answer as i saw Madison's silhouette struggle in his grip. 

"Turn the light on and she dies" 

Coward much?

I stared at him as i used my power to whip the knife out of his hand. While he just chuckled. 

" so the legend is true, you are the white wizard" 

All of a sudden a strange growling sound came from Madison as her silhouette changed from a girl to a small animal as she attacked the man. I turned on the lights as the man jumped out of the window. but caught a glimpse of his face. 



Madison's transformation was a little different. She wasn't a wolf cub she was a leopard cub. I picked her up in my arms as she changed back with her clothes still on. I cradled her as she cried and sat on her small bed in the middle of the room. Was it usual for a 4 - year old to shift? soon after Drew came barging in as he looked around and found me with Madison. 

"Amber the hunters are attacking; get to the fort" He said as he grabbed my free hand pulling me up.

"Baby please stay safe both of you" He said and kissed my forehead. I grabbed Madison's stuffed bunny and a blanket and was about to run out before something caught my eye. It was a wedding picture with a woman and a man they seemed to be genuinely happy. 

i flipped over the picture as faintly it was written

Danny Woods and Emma Hawthorne Married 1994

My mouth opened wide; these were my parents. I never knew what to search since i never figured out their names aside from mommy  and daddy. 

Earning her LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang