Chapter 24

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Finally! She'd gotten it. Sakura had thought she'd never find out who the girls were after she realized the list of servant's duties had been thrown in the trash. However, after much persuasion and asking around, she finally got someone to retrieve it for her.

She was gripping the list in her hands. She opened it up to read through it.


Sakura was skipping down the halls to dinner. Now that she knew the names, all she had to do was match them to faces. It wouldn't be that difficult. Sakura was sure. Once she did, it would only be a matter of deciding what to do.

With this thought in mind, she placed a grin on her face and merrily skipped to dinner. She stopped short at hearing Itachi's voice somewhere around, but she couldn't see him. Sakura curiously peeked around the corner and was met with the sight of Itachi kissing another woman! She observed in mute anger for a few seconds, realizing the girl was older than her. Sakura quickly turned from the scene and headed back to her room. She suddenly wasn't all that hungry anymore.


Itachi pushed the stupid girl off him. He'd been walking down the hall to the dining room when a servant girl had crossed his path. She wasn't unfamiliar to him. She had attempted to seduce him with her charm, or lack thereof, many times. However, she'd gotten progressively desperate these last few months. Itachi suspected it was because of Sakura's arrival in his home.

He'd made to go past her, but she'd suddenly forced herself onto him and kissed him. A miscalculation on his part, he hadn't thought she'd be so daring. It had lasted barely a few seconds, the most repulsive seconds of his life before he'd shoved her off him.

After the thing blocking his vision was on the ground, he'd been able to see a flash of pink that quickly disappeared around the hall. So, he'd carelessly stepped over the annoying servant girl, he might've stepped on her hand. He wasn't sure. When he stepped inside their bedroom, the floor around a table was scattered with what he suspected used to be on the table.

Sakura was kneeling close to it, non too gently placing the things back on the table. He approached her slowly, "Dinner is ready."

Itachi waited for her to say something. When she didn't answer, he prompted, "Let's go eat dinner." He turned, expecting her to soon follow.

"Are you sure you want to eat dinner with me?" She acknowledged his presence for the first time since he'd entered the room.

"What?" Itachi paused and turned back to face her.

"Oh, nothing." Sakura responded as offhandedly as she could, "I just thought maybe you'd want someone else's company. Since I seem to be boring you."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "And who do you think I'd rather have dinner with?"

She shrugged, "Maybe someone more mature than me. You seem to like the company of older more developed people. Since I'm so small why don't you just enjoy their company?"

"What would give you that idea?"

"I have no clue."

He knew she was mad at him but Itachi couldn't help but smile. If he'd known she was so cute when jealous, he'd have done something earlier. Despite how much he was enjoying this, she seemed to be pretty upset so he decided he wouldn't drag it out and set the record straight.

He walked up behind her and crouched down, placing his arms around her and stilling her movements. "You're the only one I want."

She responded snappishly, "Are you sure? Because I-"

He picked her up before she could continue, "What are you doing?"

Itachi placed her on the bed and hovered over her, "Showing you you're the only one I want."

Sakura blushed red. They didn't have dinner that night.


Itachi was eating breakfast with Sakura when he noticed some servants whispering to each other. He normally wouldn't care what they were saying, but after hearing "tack" and "bleeding profusely", he had a nagging feeling telling him to prod deeper.

Itachi turned towards the servants huddled in a corner and waved his hand to signal them to come closer. "What's going on?"

The servants seemed flustered that he'd overheard them and swiftly explained, "Someone put tacks in one of the servant girl's shoes."

"Ah." He turned his back to them, dismissing them.

Sakura smiled a little secret smile at the servant's explanation. She was close enough to hear. She'd figured out who the girl throwing herself shamelessly over Itachi was, and taken action. As a bonus shed also been one of the girls bullying her.

The tacks she had put in her shoes were rusty, too. With any luck, that girl wouldn't be walking for a while.

Itachi noticed the small smile on Sakura's face before she schooled her features into indifference again. He smirked a bit himself. He should've known.

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