Chapter 9

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Sakura blearily opened her eyes, emitting a soft groan as her senses awakened. The first thing she registered was being incredibly warm and encased by something soft, yet firm. Her eyes noticed pale skin next and the feeling of being undressed.

"Are you awake?" Itachi's gravelly voice finally fully roused her and she blinked her eyes as her gaze shifted around her surroundings.

He had placed her back on his chest while she was sleeping, she realized. Both of his arms were around her as though in an embrace. One of his arms was placed around her waist while the other absentmindedly stroked her hair. Perhaps she truly was asking for consequences, but she felt the same urge to get away from him and made to move. 

This time, however, the arm around her waist gently tightened in a warning and she froze her actions.

"Do you feel well? Are you sore?" He continued on, choosing to ignore the tense moment. Sakura stayed perfectly still.

Now that she thought about it, there were areas of her body that were aching. "Mmhmm." 

Itachi softly hummed in contemplation as he continued to stroke her hair, gently pulling at the strands.

"Are you hungry?" He asked after a moment of silence. Sakura nodded her head, her cheek brushing against his chest.

"I'll go bring breakfast then. You can stay here." Like she would move anywhere else. With that, she was allowed space as he moved off the bed to get dressed. Sakura looked at the black sheets around her body as she heard the shuffling of clothing, not comfortable with looking up.

"Sakura," The low call of her name had her looking up at a now fully dressed Itachi, "here." 

One of her arms reached out to take the object he was holding out to her while the other stayed to keep up the blanket around her torso. Sakura looked at it uncertainly as she placed it on the bed in front of her.

"It's a shirt," Itachi explained, "You can put it on in the meantime." He had given it to her in hopes she would feel a bit more comfortable. 

Sakura stared at the shirt as Itachi got a few things from around the room. She wanted to put it on and feel the comfort of having clothes on, but she didn't want to do it while Itachi was still in the room. She preferred to wait until he was gone.

Once the door shut closed she unraveled the shirt and threw it over her head. She definitely felt a lot more comfortable with a piece of clothing on. Now that she was alone, she let her mind wander.

She distractedly pressed her thighs together as images of the night before kept replaying in her head. Despite knowing that she was bothered and embarrassed with what had just happened, she couldn't quite figure out how else she was feeling about it. That made her feel confused.

The quiet creak of a door opening broke Sakura out of her reverie and she looked toward the entrance. Expecting Itachi and wanting to ask him something, she had begun to say, "Ita-" before cutting off as she realized it was not, indeed, Itachi, standing at the doorway.

Instead stood a puzzled black-haired man with curly hair staring at her. Without another word, Sakura blankly drew the blanket up and over her entire body. She lay back down on the bed, effectively becoming a human-shaped lump.

'The pink-haired girl?' Shisui stood for perhaps a bit too long at the door as he took in what he'd just seen. Of course, Shisui had not missed the oversized dark blue shirt around her body seeming to be the only thing she had been wearing.

He realized belatedly that he had prolonged an awkward meeting and hastily blurted out, "Sorry! I was looking for Itachi, guess he's not here! Goodbye!" 

Even after the door loudly slammed shut Sakura remained nestled in her little cocoon, stewing in her embarrassment. She just wished this day would end already.

Outside, Shisui scratched the back of his head, feeling stupid. He could've definitely handled that better. He quickly sobered up as he thought over the situation. There were definitely things he needed to talk about with Itachi.

It was only a few minutes later when the door was opening again. Itachi walked over to the bundle of blankets with an eyebrow raised.

"Sakura," He called out. 

Hearing that it was Itachi this time, Sakura methodically unwrapped herself from her cocoon and peaked her head out at him. She had forgotten what it was she had been thinking about before Shisui came in. Sakura looked interestedly towards the tray in Itachi's hands. Her eyes followed it as Itachi set it down on the bed in front of her as he lowered himself next to her.

There was a delicious-looking array of breakfast foods. What drew her eyes in was the bright red strawberries sitting in a small bowl in the corner of the tray. 

Itachi watched her for a few moments as she munched on the strawberries. He knew those were her favorite and had made sure to bring her the best ones he could find.

"Do you like them?" He already knew the answer but decided to ask anyway. She nodded absentmindedly as she reached for another one.

"We're going to go to your parent's house later today." Sakura paused. Her brows furrowed and a nervous feeling started to creep up her spine. She didn't say anything.

"I'm going to talk to them about what happened," Itachi continued.

"Okay.." Sakura said unsurely.

Itachi's hand came up to pet Sakura's head, "You can take a bath first. Your clothes are being washed."

She nodded and continued to eat her breakfast. However, she found, she had lost a bit of her appetite.

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