Chapter 6

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Warning: Things get a bit creepy in this chapter.


Sakura was sitting at her vanity as a maid brushed through her pink hair. Finally getting all the knots out, the maid put down the brush lightly passed her fingers through Sakura's hair, "there, all done." She softly said.

The maid quickly gathered her skirts and left the room, leaving Sakura in her nightgown and ready for bed. She was in her dorm room at the ladies' academia. Every girl had their own room here. Looking at herself in the mirror, she heard a knock at the door and lifted her head, wondering what was wrong now?

Expecting a maid apologetically explaining she'd forgotten something, she swung the door open, squeaking in surprise when she realized it wasn't a maid at all. She quickly hid behind the door, attempting to hide her thin, light blue nightgown from Itachi's view. He was most certainly not supposed to be here, especially not at this hour.

"Sakura." Itachi greeted pleasantly.

"E-eto, what are you doing here?" She asked blushing, her voice rising in pitch at each word.

"I wanted to see you. Would you let me in?" Itachi watched in amusement as her one visible eye widened and her face turned even redder. Her hands gripped harder at the door, her knuckles turning white.

"B-but I'm only wearing my nightgown," Sakura cried, her voice coming out in high-pitched squeaks.

Itachi only smiled and answered, "that's fine." As though he was the one who could decide that. Still looking at him, Sakura hesitantly opened the door wider and stood to the side so he could come inside. Itachi looked around her room as she closed the door behind him. Sakura went over to her bed and sat down with her hands in her lap, looking down, her cheeks still red.

Itachi sat down next to her and took her hand in his, looking at it he stated, "would you like to sit in my lap?"

She looked at him with a bewildered expression, and before she could say anything, he was already putting his arms around her and placing her on his thighs. She nervously shifted her eyes, wondering if this was okay.

"Have you been enjoying your time at the academia?" Itachi asked as he began to lightly trace her arms with his finger.

"Yeahh, I've learned a lot.." She trailed off as his fingers slowly inched their way to her neck and past her collarbone, beginning to play with the ribbon at the front of her nightgown.

"Itachi..?" She asked nervously as he pulled at the ribbon, loosening her gown. 

"Shhh," He whispered, "I just want to look at you." He stood her up and lowered the sleeves of her nightgown, letting it slide to the floor. Her face now resembled a tomato and she immediately brought her arms over herself, attempting to cover her body. 

Itachi grabbed Sakura's wrists and lowered her gently to the bed, standing over her. Just as he said, he did nothing more than look at the white underwear she'd been wearing underneath. Sakura fidgeted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Finally, he bent down to the ground and picked up her dress. She sat up, taking it from his hands, and slipping it over her head. Itachi reached out and pat her head, leaning in and placing a kiss on her lips.

"I'll be going now," He whispered gently, his face still inches away from her own. She silently stared at him with her face still red.

He stood up straight and made his way to the door. Sakura watched him leave, still seated on her bed, not quite feeling like escorting him out.  

Itachi closed the door with a soft click. A maid that had been walking down the hall carrying blankets for one of the ladies watched him leave the room with a scandalized look.

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