Chapter 15 - Uncertainties

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Lily felt her body tensing and an inner turmoil between what she wanted to do and say. The man that had been floating through her dreams, both night and day, was standing in front of her looking slightly sheepish (if a large man could). Lily didn't know how long it took her to find her voice.

"Yes. Lucas was desperate for you and I couldn't say no. I was happy to help."

Braxton cleared his through. "It meant the world to me. How are you?"

Lily felt herself stumbling over words and rambling as her nerves got the better of her. "Ok. I can't say life is amazing, I have stopped saying 'fine' when I don't really mean it, but life is ok. My kids are all in school and I was promoted in my job. My office actually has a window in it now, so I don't feel like they have shoved me in a closet. Summer felt both too long and not nearly enough of a break before we were back at it. I have been trying to work on organizing the house as well, but that is a losing battle. My kids wouldn't put stuff away if their life depended on it." Suddenly, her mind realized she was just rambling and she stopped abruptly, leaving a bit of an awkward silence. Lily doubted Braxton had expected her monologue. 

Quickly picking up her bag and coffee, Lily rushes out "I hope you are well also. I actually have to go and pick up my kids from afterschool programs. Maybe I will see you around." Almost running to the door she doesn't realize she was leaving a both stunned and smiling Brax in her wake.

Jumping into her car, Lily thinks back through what has happened in the last few months as she pretty much runs on autopilot to go pick up her kids.

After Steve moved out, Lily had done a lot of reflecting on her life and where she found herself. When she was younger, she was outgoing and social. She was competitive in sports and enjoyed trying new things. Was Steve right and she had become boring and let herself go? What was growing up and what was just dealing with life and obligations?

Since her divorce, she had become better friends with Merry and Shelby. While it was still hard to get out of the house, Lily was trying to get babysitters every so often to have "me" time with the "girls". She was also trying to find a hobby. It was a bit hard, since there wasn't as much for adults in the town as for kids and college students, but she had started taking exercise classes and drawing. While they were fun, Lily thought about how she would never be able to quit her day job to become an actual artist. In her last class, the tiger they were painting definitely had some perspective issues.

Lily didn't know what would be in store for her in relation to Brax. She wasn't married anymore, but was it her connection to the strange aura (or...mate bond, as Brax has called it) the reason her marriage had fallen apart. Furthermore, what could an amazing looking man like Brax see in her. She was still slightly overweight and middle-aged, her self-esteem had never been the best. Even if she knew she had a distorted view of herself, it didn't help the overall self-esteem and worth. Getting a divorce because your husband cheats on you and says it is your fault he had to go find someone else definitely doesn't help.

Without realizing it, Lily found herself already in the pick-up line at her kids' school. The doors opened as she heard familiar little voices bickering with each other, then chime up with:

"What's for dinner, mom? I am starving."

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