Chapter 1 - A Unique Misery

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[Amelin's POV]

Growing up as a child, seeing a woman in a child's life was odd to me. I didn't know the term of "mother" until I ask a friend in preschool who the lady he was with was, and he explained that she was his mother.

In life, I basically only understood fathers. "Mothers" was a term very foreign in my world.

I never asked to be abandoned as a baby. All I know is that my father found me in a dumpster at night recently born and starving,no sight of my parents anywhere.

Growing up, I soon realized that I had ANOTHER father to raise me, but in this town, it is greatly looked down on.

It was strange to me. I don't see what's wrong with it. My fathers raised me and always treated me like a princess.

None the less, both my fathers raised me well, and I'm happy with them.

Or... Was.....

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Amelin Serafina Gold. Irony, since my hair is a silvery-white, but what can you do, right?

Odd for me, since I was born with that hair. I would have dyed it, but its all natural silver white hair. My father, Jack, thinks its my most unique feature. My other father, Damien, thinks my shiny blue eyes are unique, since they each hold a thin shiny grey streak through the irises.

Me, I just thought it was my paleness. I look like I've never seen sunlight and lived in the snow for a long time.

Right now I'm almost 18 and I'm in the worst place that had ever been created: high school.

Everyone bullies me for having gay fathers, and they can be so harsh.

The only people nice to me in this town are my fathers.

The constant abuse and torment has lead to my anxiety, my depression, anorexia and bulimia, and self harm.

Worse, as days go by, the urge of wanting to die grows.

As much as my fathers love me, I doubt I could ever find the urge to put a real smile on my face.


Picture: Amelin

Starting anoter Bret Von Dehl story. 

First one is Make Your Move. Sequel to that is Forgotten. I'll post the links below if interested.

I'll contniue this soon, but let me know if you think I should.


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