chapter 1

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It's May 9, 1970. Ed and Lorraine are in Michigan with Father Gordon. They're investigating the Carrigan family. They've been there about a week and they're trying to fight the demon. Caroline Carrigan's 14-year-old daughter was possessed. Today things got complicated and everyone's emotions jumped. An immediate exorcism was needed for the girl. The first exorcism failed. It ended badly for Lorraine. When she touched the possessed girl's hand, she began to have vision. Lorraine lost track of what she was doing. What she had in the vision and what she did in the vision did not reflect what she did in reality. She actually went to the roof and wanted to jump. She didn't jump because Ed went after her and caught her at just the right moment. After that incident, Ed doesn't want Lorraine to knowingly use her gift. Or at least not on this case because something was messing with her vision. Something demonic.It was time for the second trial - the second exorcism. Ed didn't want Lorraine to be there so he told her to leave but as it was Lorraine so she disobeyed and stayed. Before the exorcism began, Father Gordon got the idea. He turned to Lorraine.

"Lorraine, I know it's inappropriate to ask, but maybe you could try the girl again?" he asked and looked at Ed because he knew he didn't approve that. Lorraine looked at Ed.
"Of course, I can try. It might help us." she said and got up from the couch. Suddenly Ed walked up.

"That's not even an option Lorraine. Sit down." he said with a little anger and pointed his finger at the couch. Then looked at Father. "With all respect but what are you thinking? You saw what happened before and you're making her do it again? I can't believe". he said angrily, turned around and sighed. He turned to Father again. "One more thing like that and we're out. "he said and walked up to Lorraine.

"Ed calm down... It might help us beat this." she said and grabbed his hand.

"What the hell are you talking about, Lorraine?" he said and threw her hand away. "We're not gonna do this at your expense. There are other ways. You won't do it, and that's all. I trust you, remember that". Lorraine sighed and looked at Father Gordon. "I am sorry" she said and sighed. 

Before the exorcism started, Ed went outside with Caroline's husband. At that time, Lorraine decided to give it a try despite her husband's prohibition.

"Okay, I'll do it". she stood up and looked at Father. "I've been trying to get in touch, but Ed can't find out about this".

"Are you sure? Father Gordon asked her. You know...I don't want to have any problems with Ed later if something happens.

"Nothing will happen. Let  Father watch over me." she went up to the girl. "Okay, quick, before Ed gets back". she grabbed her hand.

Everything was going fine. Lorraine tried to tell Father one by one what she saw to help the girl. After a while, the Father put the facts together and knew how to help the girl. He told Lorraine she could finish, but she didn't. She went on and on. Lorraine didn't listen to anyone. Suddenly something threw Lorraine away from the girl and Lorraine flew into the wall. She grabbed her head and started screaming. "Oh, my God, my head". she held her head tighter and tighter and screamed in pain. When Ed heard Lorraine screaming, he immediately ran into the house. He looked at Lorraine screaming in the corner of the room and then at Father Gordon. "What the hell is going on here?!" he yelled. He went to Lorraine and tried to calm her down. "Honey, it's alright. Stop! It's me , Ed" he said to her and grabbed her face. "Lorraine! Wake up!" he shouted and shook her lightly. Then Lorraine stopped screaming and woke up. "What happened?" she asked and looked at Ed." Maybe you can tell me". he looked at Lorraine and then at Father with anger. Ed helped Lorraine up and walked closer to Father.

"Come on. I'm listening. What just happened here?"he said angrily to everyone in the room.

"I tried to contact the demon through the girl". Lorraine said and bent her head down because she knew Ed would be angry.

"What did you do?" he asked in disbelief and came closer to his wife. "Did you do it when I told you not to? Are you kidding me at this point?" he turned to Father. "And you... How could you let this happen? You knew! We've known each other a long time." he looked at Lorraine and said to both of them: "I just can't believe it. I trusted both of you. Especially to you, Lorraine." he looked at her with disappointment. "I'm tired of all this. I'm leaving. And you can do whatever you want. he said and slammed the door on his way out.

"Ed!" Lorraine shouted but Ed' s already out.

 "No... Father walked up to her and nodded. "Let him cool off. You'll see he'll get over it." Lorraine sighed.

And then everything turned out fine. They managed to save the girl. But without Ed. He didn't came back. Father drove Lorraine home.

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