Chapter 24

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If anything, the two honestly had an equal chance of winning.

Bakugou, his childhood friend, stood on one side of the arena.

Uraraka, a really bubbly girl who Bakugou saved earlier during the entrance exam stood on the other side.

Both were determined to make it to the next round.

When Midoriya said that they had an equal chance of winning, it really depended on what they actually did. If Uraraka was able to touch Bakugou, she could easily throw himout of bounds. On the other hand, if she couldn't, Bakugou would be able to push her out of bounds or cause enough damage to knock her out.

Bakugou might not be as mean as he used to be back in elementary school, but he would not hesitate to use all of his power to get Uraraka out. Like he's supposed to.

"Are both of you guys ready for our final match before pur tiebreakers?" Midnight asked as she looked at them, who each nodded, too focused on what they were going to do, strategies racing in their head.

"Are you guys ready? Let me hear a loud cheer!"

The crowd roared in response, all eaget to see how this would turn out.

"Then let's get a move on here, battle begin!" Midnight winked and yelled. [Pokemon commentary, anyone?]

As soon as Midnight exclaimed 'begin', Uraraka was aleeady on the move, running over to Bakugou as she dodged his beams of light and explosion. She twisted to the side as she narrowly dodged a close ended punch and threw her jacket as she went the other direction, cleverly fooling Bakugou for a second, before he turned around, just in time to shoot an explosion right before Uraraka could manage to touch him.

"Nice try, Round Face," Bakugou sneered.

"Anytime, Pomeranian," Uraraka teased.

"For goddamn's sake, why the fuck are people comparing me to a dog?!?" He swung his arm over to let another explosion go but Uraraka already was back on the other side of the field.

Too bad he could not pull off a Dragon Ball Z move, Midoriya pitifully thought, after all, he was good at yelling really loud. If it weren't for the fact that his quirk had limits and that if he did that, he'd probably damage the arena wall behind Uraraka as well as hurt her way too badly, Bakugou could pull it off easily.

"I'm not done yet!" And with that, she started to run back over to Bakugou, staying low to the ground as Bakugou shot wave after wave of attacks. As soon as she got to him, she tried to fake him out so she could easily throw him out of the arena, but it was too bad for her, because of anything, Bakugou was a quick learner.

"You can't fool me again like that! Start getting more creative!" Bakugou jeered, but Midoriya could sense that it was just raillery, no sign of hostility in his voice. Uraraka Uraraka seemed to also notice it, as she grinned and moved back once more. Despite having a touch related quirk, Uraraka couldn't overpower the pure strength of Bakugou. After all, she's also never beaten him in class hero training before.

This happened over and over again, the crowd loving it in the first few minutes but after a while, they started to get jittery.

"Come on, it's been ten fu - flipping minutes!" One minor hero yelled.

"Yeah! Stop toying with the poor girl!"

Midoriya frowned. Uraraka wasn't some 'poor girl' if anything, she was giving Bakugou a run for his money when it came to endurance.

"What a jerk this Bakugou is," one of them scoffed.

"Yeah, I definitely don't want him in my agency, even if he is powerful."

"What's he playing at anyway? The Uraraka kid is going way too hard on herself."

"Maybe we could get a petition going for them to just give the victory over to her," one of them smirked before laughing.

Alright, that was it. Shut. Up. He was going to go in their face and sing, because that's the only way he's heard. And he's got the perfect chorus as well.

"You think you got the best of me," he started. "Think that you got the last laugh. Bet that you think that everything good is gone."

"What the ?"

The crowd burst into confusion. Not only they were confused, UA, with its teachers and students were confused. Besides a certain blonde boy and his class.

"Think you left me bvroken down. Think that I'd come running back. Baby you don't know me 'cause you're dead wrong." Midoriya grinned and Balugou scowled as he yelled over to Uraraka, "Are you gonna continue this fucking fight or leave me standing here?"

Uraraka, who was looking around, snapped out of her thoughts. "You bet I am!"

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Stand a little taller! Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone! What doesn't kill you makes a fighter, footsteps even lighter! Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone!"

The fight continued, this time, the two seemed more invigorated, both pushing themselves to the absolute limit.

"As you can see," Aizawa started to commentate and Midoriya made his singing a little softer, "Uraraka isn't someone you should pity. Bakugou isn't someone you should vilify. They're both in this school for the same reason. To get stronger and become the hero they can be proud to say they are. After all, if you have time to spit out accusations, try putting yourself in their shoes. Besides, Uraraka had a plan the entire time.

Yep, Midoriya smirked, she did. You know, because he was 'sitting' on a rockin the middle of the sky.

"Meteor Shower!" Uraraka yelled as she applied gravity on the rocks once more, causing them to fall fast towards Bakugou.

A sneer.

"You haven't seen the best of me!" he yelled as he brought his hands together into a spout shape. "Stupid as it sounds, I'm going to kamehameha this shit!"

With a loud boom, the rocks disappeared as they were swallowed whole by the light.

"Now," Bakugou wiped the sweat off his forehead, "let's get started."

Thank you for all your support!
*me: starts singing happy birthday to myself*

The Dead Melody Maestro Deku (Story Adopted)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz