Chapter 8

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All Might stood at the top of the steps in the USJ as he glared at all the villains. Shigaraki smiled creepily in return. 

"Haha! The big boss has come!" Shigaraki said gleefully. Aizawa could feel his skin shiver at the sound.

"Yes, and there is no need to worry anymore" All Might yelled as he stepped forward. Reaching for his blue tie, he ripped it off. "It's fine, because I am here!"

Mineta started bursting into tears. "All Might!"

"Kero... it's All Might..." Asui said and Shinsou's eyes widened slightly.

"All... Might..." Shinsou murmured.

Some of the villains who were already awakening looked at All Might.

"Woah... it's All Might."

"Never seen him so close before."

"Idiots!" one of them scolded, "There's a lot more of us. Come - " The villain was interrupted as All Might flew down the many steps and punched him in the face. Then, swift as the wind, he attacked the other villains in the blink of a second. 

So this was his power, not even in his prime, Aizawa thought. God, if the man wasn't as much of an idiot, he could've been a even greater hero. With another burst of speed, All Might grabbed Asui, Shinsou, and Mineta and pulled them to the side with Aizawa, who looked at All Might and said, "I'll take them away. You focus on those three."

All Might nodded and gave him a thumbs-up. "Don't worry for I am - "

"Yes, yes, you are here. Now go get the villains already goddamnit! Are you really that big of a showoff?" growled Aizawa.

All Might stiffened as he focused his attention on the three remaining villains. Shigaraki was still in shock as he picked up the hand that had fallen off his face. "I'm sorry, Father," he mumbled. "But I guess the rumors are true. He is getting weaker." Suddenly, Todoroki slid into the plaza. 

"All Might!" he yelled, "They're planning to kill you with the bird villain, called Nomu!"

All Might looked at the young teen and smiled. "Thank you," he said as he rushed up to Shigaraki and tried to punch him. Aizawa quickly rushed the three by his side away.

The punch intended for Shigaraki was blocked by Nomu. Aizawa scowled as All Might said, "So that doesn't work on him. Then I'll have to - " All Might began punching Nomu in the face.

The punches didn't have any effect as Nomu shook it off and screeched at All Might, who backed away just a bit. 

"The face doesn't have any weaknesses either?" All Might murmured as he continued to punch the nomu. 

Shigaraki nonchalantly began, "The reason why those punches of yours don't hurt Nomu is because of shock absorption. The best way to defeat Nomu would be to gouge its flesh slowly. However, it's a matter of whether Nomu would let you or not."

The two started to grapple as All Might managed to get behind the nomu, grabbed his waist and slammed the nomu backwards into the ground, creating a large and powerful explosion. 

The trio who were with All Might looked back at the scene. 

"How'd he make a suplex look like an explosion?" Mineta asked and Asui began, "Were we overthinking it?"

"No, don't underestimate the villains. We'd be in a worse condition if one of you gets held hostage," Aizawa said. Shinsou stared back at the scene for a moment before continuing to walk away. 

Meanwhile, with Thirteen, the other students were staring in awe at All Might's power. 

"They won't be able to get rid of All Might," Sato commented. The two girls tending to Thirteen's wounds were smiling.


"Crap, that's my weak spot," All Might murmured softly as the nomu's claws dug into his stomach injury. As the dust cleared away, everyone was able to see All Might and the nomu stuck in two portals. 

Shigaraki stared at the scene in front of him as he asked, "Were you expecting Nomu to be defeated by sticking him into the ground? He won't be defeated like that. But what a pleasant opportunity! Kurogiri!"

Kurogiri's yellow eyes narrowed. "I do not like blood and guts flowing in me," he began, "but for someone as great as you, I will do it."

Shigaraki then said, "Nomu's job was just restraining you. We're the ones who will kill you."

The portal started narrowing, closing around All Might and the nomu. 

The villains were willing to sacrifice their nomu for All Might's life.

Midoriya POV

Midoriya grit his teeth and he clenched his fists. He was so useless. He was so so useless. 

Midoriya flew over to where All Might was when a flash of ice appeared in the portal, freezing half of the nomu. Bakugou suddenly appeared as well, knocking down Kurogiri and pinning him down by his neck armor. Kirishima was up next to appear and tried to punch Shigaraki, but failed.

Midoriya looked over to where the ice was to see Todoroki. Looking back at All Might, Midoriya's eyes widened as All Might managed to wriggle out of the nomu's grasp. 

All Might was too cool! Oh jeez, now he sounded like that hand villain, Shigaraki.

The frozen part of the nomu cracked as it crawled out of Kurogiri's portal. It then started to regenerate its wounds. 

All Might cursed softly as the nomu finished healing itself before rushing over towards Bakugou. Midoriya let out a loud yell but he couldn't be heard. Instead, All Might blocked its attack. Bakugou, still stunned, was thrown off by Kurogiri. 

"This is what society has crumbled to. Heroes. The trash of it all. You use violence to solve problems, creating more and more. I will defeat you and reveal the true form of heroes. Worthless scum using oppressive violence to control people. And you. You're the worst of them all," Shigaraki said as All Might grunted from the attack he just recieved. 

"That's rubbish," All Might countered as he pushed the nomu and wound up for some more punches. "We exist to help people and to stop any harm that may come their way! For we are heroes and will do our duty!" He emphasized his last word with a punch. 

"If I punch hard enough, you'll be defeated. After all, it's shock absorption, not nullification!" he yelled as he wound up.

Midoriya teared up as he looked around the scene. Bakugou was in danger. All Might was in danger and was at his limit. Midoriya could see the exhaustion on the man's face. And so, he did what he was good for. 

Midoriya opened his mouth and started to sing.


Okay, so I'm planning to make either a Haikyuu!! or Kuroko no Basuke reaction to their anime. I need to know which one I should do and how. Should I do three different/four different works under one collection for each season? And should I make a multiverse instead? Comment please!

Haikyuu!! multiverse or Haikyuu!! anime reaction or Kuroko no Basuke multiverse or Kuroko no Basuke anime reaction

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