Chapter 13

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The funny thing was, when you are a ghost, is that even though you can see everyone, they can't see you, Midoriya thought as he floated around the empty hallways of UA. It was the middle of class time, period 2 to be exact. Right now, he was exploring the parts that his friend hadn't been to yet.

As he lazily looked around, a sudden explosion occurred. Startled, Midoriya flew around the corner to see a room full of smoke. 

Eyes wide, Midoriya rushed into the room, only to see a malfunctioning invention next to a girl with pink dreadlocks and yellow eyes.

"Damn it! Baby #16 also didn't work! Oh well! Let's get back to it!" the girl yelled, pumping herself up as she went back over to her work station. 

Midoriya, curious as to what she was doing, peeped over her shoulder. It wasn't like she would notice. In fact, the girl was buzzing with enough excitement that anyone could clearly see that she was ready to do something.

On the blue paper in front of her, the inventor girl had a picture of some sort of backpack? Reading the writing to the side that was almost illegible, Midoriya soon learned that it was not a backpack, but in fact a jetpack combined with a mechanical arm and a grappling hook.

Midoriya tilted his head in confusion. So this would have three features combined into a bulky bag-like invention? Although he knew nothing about inventing, wouldn't it be easier to make it a bit more compact and sleek?

Midoriya looked back at the girl, only to find that she was gone from where he last saw her. Turning around, he discovered her busy on her invention.

He ended up watching her work for almost the rest of the period before flying through the walls of the lab to look around some more.

Sero POV

Sero fidgeted in his seat as he watched Present Mic yell several grammar rules when it came to English. He honestly didn't know why English was so complicated, especially if it were a very common universal language. 

It was like four languages in a trench coat.

He sighed as he lowered his head onto his left hand with its elbow on the table while he wrote notes in his other hand.

Suddenly, a very slight chill ran over him. Normally, he would've dismissed this as the temperature of the room, or just him being weird. 

But he knew better than that (for the first time in a very long time) and he knew that was Deku. He and the others in the class had discussed this before, hadn't they? Before the USJ incident.

And wasn't Deku a ghost who had the power to make anyone feel emotions through his songs? So wasn't that his work, the music during the attack?

The only problem was, why didn't he just open his mouth to that detective? Why didn't he say something about the Deku ghost instead of just saying, "To be honest, I have no idea". 

It was like his mouth didn't want to cooperate with his brain. Sero sighed again and briefly closed his eyes. He opened them and found himself staring right into Present Mic's glasses. If the glasses weren't present, Sero would've been staring into his eyes.

"Hey, hey, is my lesson boring?" his teacher asked and Sero chuckled awkwardly, putting his left hand on the back of his head.

"Heh, sorry Mic-sensei," he apologized and Present Mic gave him a thumbs up.

"No worries, little listener! You might want to pay attention, especially since we have a quiz next week!"

"No way, a quiz?!" Kaminari yelled and Present Mic nodded, almost with pride.


There were groans all over the room as Present Mic brought his piece of chalk to the blackboard once more.

"Pay attention! You never know with quizzes!"

Sero sighed a bit more quietly as he continued to take some more notes. He couldn't let his grade slip too much. 

As he listened to Present Mic's enthusiastic talking and the scratching of pens and pencils on paper, Sero pushed the matter of Deku to the side. 

He didn't have enough brain power to do that while doing this at the same time.

Bakugou POV

Bakugou couldn't help but feel just a little bit anxious when he knew that Deku wasn't by his side. He bit the side of his cheek as he scribbled down notes as fast as he could, as detailed as they could be. He'd fucking beat their shitty asses with this quiz!

As he continued on with his work, Bakugou's mind started to wander. 

To be honest, Bakugou couldn't remember a single day where the two were separated for a long time. The longest they've been apart would probably during the night when they were both sleeping, unless the old hag and Auntie Inko had allowed the two to have a sleepover or some sort of shit. 

So the fact that he couldn't touch, hear, or even see Deku besides during the few nights when he would sneak out and train or leave the window open somewhat fucking scared the crap out of him. The constant factor that was in his life was gone.

Not completely gone, but as a fucking ghost. As if God was fucking toying around with him.

He must've been thinking about this too hard because all of a sudden, the pencil in his hand snapped rather loudly. The cockatoo of a teacher in front of him stopped the lesson to look at him.

"Bakugou, do you need another pencil?"

Bakugou scowled and was about to retort that he already had another pencil ready, thank you very much (fucking not) but before he could open his mouth, something had hit the back of his head.

"Sorry, Bakubro! I was aiming for your desk!" 

Bakugou turned his head to the red head. "Fucking Shitty Hair, learn to throw better!" He picked up the pencil the other had thrown. It was red, as red as his hair in fact. He stared at it for a second until he heard a cough.

"Can we continue on with the lesson without any more interruptions! English rocks, ya know!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes as he looked at the sharpened red pencil in his hand while he wrote.


I feel like I'm putting KiriBaku in this somehow...

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