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Bolin was the first one to wake up,then mako.They didn't wake up Asami and Korra though,as they were still sound asleep. Mako and bolin went downstairs and decided they wanted to cook this morning. So they got out the eggs,sausages,potatoes,and butter and oil. They wanted to make a breakfast plate. So mako started making the eggs,then bolin started making the sausages,which was easy since he only needed to cook 8. When he was finished with the sausages mako finished the eggs quickly and stared helping bolin out shredding the potatoes out like hash browns. They set aside the other food and put butter in the pan,then put in the hash browns. They waited for the hash browns to cook meanwhile Korra and Asami woke up. "Good morning." Korra said to Asami in a sleepy voice. "Good morning." Asami said back. Korra sat up and noticed that the guys were gone. "Sami,where are mako and bolin?." She asked "their not there?" Asami said while sitting up. "Huh,I don't know." She shrugged. "Maybe their downstairs,let's go check." She grabbed Asamis hand and went downstairs. Asami didn't mind,she was happy with Korra just randomly grabbing her hand out of nowhere. "Hey guy-wow what is all this?." Korra asked surprised by the food bolin and mako had made. "Ohhh,hey Korra we decided that we wanted to breakfast today,so yea." Bolin said. Mako nodded in agreement. "Well it's looks really good." Asami said. Mako gasped a bit and nugged bolin in the arm. "What?. Bolin whispered,then gasped a bit aswell. "Omg,mako I think we did it!. He whispered. Mako smiled at him showing his teeth. "What are they yapping about?." Korra she's still sleepy. Then she looked down to her and asamis hands and back to bolin and mako. "Oh shit,Sami we're still holding hands!." She whispered. "Huh?,ohhhh do we tell them?." Asami said in a sleepy voice. "Tell them what?." Korra asked. "About us?." Asami said. "Oh,so we're official?." Korra said with a smirk towards Asami. "If your ok with it." Asami threw back a smirk. "Ok,we can tell them." Korra said. "Hey guys we need to tell you something." Asami said. "So uh,me and Asami are officially-." "Together?." Bolin interrupted Korra. "Wha- how did you know?!." Korra said confused. "Come one Korra it was pretty obvious you and Asami liked it other,and that was me and makos plan all along." Bolin added. "What plan." Korra said. "Ok this is gonna seem weird but,me and bolin noticed change in you and Asamis friendship so we decided to try and make it a relationship,and frankly,it worked pretty well." Mako said with a smirk. "So you and bolin had this all planned?." Asami asked. "Once you told us that we were gonna go camping,yea." Mako added. "Dang,you guys are sneaky." Korra snickered. "Well,congrats,now let's finish these hash browns I'm starving!." Bolin said. They all laughed and served themselves food and started eating. During that Korra and Asami sat next to eachother and in one of the times Korra set her hand on asamis thigh,which made Asami blush,very deep. She turned and gave a little shocked look at Korra. "You said you were ok with it." Korra told Asami with a smirk and wink,Going back to eating. That little gesture again left asami with deep red cheeks and butterflies in her stomach. But she quickly went back to eating. Mako and bolin both raised an eyebrow,looked at each other,and shrugged it off,continuing to eat. Once they were done they went to go change again. Then they had their half day planned out.

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