Chapter 4

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first posted: 7/19/21

WARNING: cursing

Recap: She shielded her eyes with her arms until she could see that the light was dimming behind them. Slowly dropping her arms, she watched the light get smaller and smaller until a pink floating tiger took its place. Charlottes eyes widened as the creatures own blinked open, green eyes meeting orange.

"What in the fuck?!"


The flying creature blinked. "Oh, hello there! My name is Roaar, what's yours?" the creature asked.

Charlotte's mouth dropped open. "I-...Y-you can tALK?!" she closed her eyes tightly and shook her head as she stood up from her bed.

She opened her eyes and began pacing, "This is...fine. Yeah completely fine. There's just a talking tiger alien that came out of a ball of light, and the light came out of a random black box I've never seen before, which mysteriously appeared in my room. All good!" Charlottes took a breath before looking straight at Roaar.

Roaar tilted his head to the side, "I'm sorry, but are you alright?"

Charlotte's eye twitched.

"Nopenotallgoodomgomgomg-" Charlotte said quickly, running towards her bedroom door.

She threw the door open, and saw the closed door of her brothers bedroom across the hall. She quickly glanced back at her bed and saw Roaar floating after her with an alarmed look on his face. She watched as he frantically waved his little paws in the air to try and get her to stop, which really only made her want to go faster because omg it's actually moving floating and showing emotion and what in the nine-day-old croissant is happening.

Charlotte turned back towards the hallway and ran into her brothers room, quickly pushing open the door. She was met by the sight of Adrien scaling his rock-climbing wall like a spider and jumping off with his arms out in front of him. He landed on the couch with an 'oof' after he grabbed something from the air, and quickly brought his hands closer to his face.

Charlotte walked closer to see what he was holding, and when she saw the green cat eyes attracted to the black blob, she gasped and pointed at it accusingly.

"YOU HAVE ONE TOO!?" she screeched.

Adrien jumped at his sisters voice and turned towards her. His eyes sparkled with glee as he glanced behind her, and he stared at the floating pink thing that looked oh-so-similar to whatever he was holding so tightly in his hands.

"Oh, hey! Yours is pink! Sick." he said.


"Can you both please shut up? I can barely hear my stomach grumbling with all that noise. Do you have food?"

Adrien and Charlotte  both turned to the source of the complaining. Said source was rolling his eyes in Adrien's hands.

Charlotte's shock was gone in record time as she narrowed her eyes at the little black thing. "I don't need your attitude when I'm in the middle of a crisis, thank you very much."

"And I don't need a headache but life isn't fair and now we're both unhappy." he deadpanned.

Charlottes annoyed expression slowly spread into a grin as she looked at the creature. "Adrien can we switch? Yours is funny."

The pink creature appeared in front of her face with an exasperated expression. "You haven't even given me a chance to talk." he whined.

Charlotte blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry. Roaar, right?" He nodded in affirmation.

"Talk away Pinky, I'm all ears!" she said with a smile. Adrien nodded to show that he was listening too.

Roaar smiled. "First off, you guys aren't technically supposed to know each other's identities, as they are supposed to be kept secret from everyone but i suppose it's too late for that. Me and that tomcat over there- his name is Plagg- are creatures known as kwamis. We can inhabit a piece of magical jewelry, and grant the wearer of said jewelry what you humans would call 'super powers'. These special pieces of jewelry are called Miraculous. I am the kwami of the Tiger Miraculous, which grants the power of concealment. Plagg is the kwami of the Black Cat miraculous, which grants the power of destruction. We can dive more into the powers later, but for now there is a super-villian outside who needs to be de-akumatized-"

Adrien opened his mouth to talk and Roaar held a tiny paw up, "-We will explain akumas later as well. For now, Adrien your power is called 'Cataclysm' and your phrase to transform with the miraculous- that silver ring in the box- is 'Plagg, claws out'. Charlotte, your power is called 'Vanish'. Your transformation phrase is 'Roaar, stripes out'. Your miraculous is back in your room but it is a panja-style bracelet. You will both have another partner, the holder of the Ladybug miraculous. They will be there today and for many days to come as you three work together to defeat this new evil."

Charlotte was practically bouncing off the walls. She looked at Adrien and grinned even wider. "Bro, we're superheroes. WE'RE FUCKING SUPERHEROES." Adrien's face matched her own with his wide grin. "Time to get suited up." he said. Charlotte jumped and clapped her hands together in joy, "OH MY GOD WE ARE LITERALLY SUPERHEROES AHAHAAAA!! WAit. Wait. Adrien. Transform. I wanna see how it looks."

Her brother nodded enthusiastically and walked over to his coffee table to pick up the silver ring that sat in the small black box. He slipped it on his right ring finger and held his hand out towards his kwami.

Plagg's eyes met his chosens, "Bitch you haven't even fed me yet, don't you dare."

"Plagg, claws out!"

A brilliant green light enveloped the room, and just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. Charlotte blinked her eyes into focus, and standing in the place her brother has been just moments ago was a leather-clad superhero. Adrien's hair had gone into a messy middle part, the blonde locks hanging in front of his eyes. His forest green irises remained, but the whites of his eye had turned a deep green color, like a cat's eye. (his eyes looked suspiciously like Plagg's.)

Adrien raised his hands to his face to feel the black mask that surrounded his eyes, covering his eyebrows and the highest part of his cheekbones. Traveling higher, his hands ran through his hair and stopped once they hit the black cat ears that stood out against the blonde. Upon feeling the contact, the cat ears twitched.

Adrien then looked down at the rest of his body to see he was fully covered in leather from the neck down. Resting against his neck, there was a large golden bell.

"Holy shit you're literally a cat. BAHAHAHAA YOU'RE DEADASS A FURRY BRO-"

"You're going to look somewhat similar to that, Charlotte. If you'll remember correctly, you also got a cat miraculous." Roaar interrupted.

Charlotte's mouth hung open and she blinked before responding.

"...#furrys4life I guess."



I absolutely loved writing this chapter oh my god. I'm actually on a plane as i write this cus i have nothing better to do and i'm way behind on this story:) anyways have some Plagg and Charlotte sass and i'll see you next chapter😼


Chapter Word Count: 1191

It Runs in the Family • A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic (DISCONTINUED!)Where stories live. Discover now