Chapter 2

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first posted: 06/25/21

(no warnings<3)

Recap: Mr. Chan walked away, and the siblings he left behind looked at each other. Their smiles crumbled as they prepared themselves for the inevitable, and they both took a deep breath before turning around.


As they had expected, the burly bodyguard stood in front of them blocking their way to the school. Nathalie was standing closer to the car, her face showing no emotion but her eyes shining with sympathy.

Charlotte knew she shouldn't hold a grudge against Nathalie. After all, it wasn't Nathalie's fault Gabriel gave her the job of parenting his children because he kept himself too busy to properly do it.

Would that stop Charlotte from being salty with her for the rest of the day? Absolutely not.

Nathalie stepped closer to the vehicle and opened the back door, shifting her gaze to the twins. Adrien looked defeated. "Please don't tell our father." he said, before slowly walking in the direction of the car. Charlotte resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Of course Nathalie was going to tell their father, she had to. Shooting another glare at the dark-haired woman, she followed Adrien into the backseat.


Adrien was sitting behind the driver's seat looking at his Instagram feed, Nathalie was sitting in the passenger's seat typing something out on the screen of her tablet, Charlotte was staring out the window while music played loudly in her earbuds, and the bodyguard silently drove, glancing at the pair of teenagers in his rear-view mirror every once in a while.

Adrien may have been annoyed with his father, but he was mostly questioning how his sister had met that old man, and when she met him. He exited Instagram and switched to iMessage. Clicking on his most recent texts, under the name 'Charlie', he pressed on the bar at the bottom and started typing.

Charlotte's phone muffled her music as she got a notification. She glanced at her screen and saw that she had received a text from 'AdRiKiNs'. She swiped open the notification and read his text.

AdRiKiNs: How did you know the old guy?

Charlie: Remember how we had different lunch breaks during the photoshoot yesterday? I was walking to a cafe and noticed he dropped his wallet, so I picked it up for him and we had a short convo. He seemed chill so I invited him to have lunch with me cus I was bored, and he accepted. That's pretty much it🤷‍♀️

Adrien's phone chimed, and he read his sister's text, blinked a couple of times, and quickly typed a text back.

AdRiKinS: I- you coulda gotten kidnapped wtf 🤦

Charlotte rolled her eyes and quickly typed a response.

Charlie: you gotta have like no faith in me whatsoever. did you see how tiny he was? coulda gotten kidnapped my ass. besides, like I said, he seemed chill.

AdRiKiNs: 'hE sEeMeD cHiLL' isn't a valid reason to be besties w random old ppl but ok😐

Charlie: he wears Hawaiian shirts and runs a massage parlor. excuse me if I'm not trembling in fear.

AdRiKiNs: whatever, we should think abt what we're gonna say to dad cus nathalie is definitely gonna snitch and he's probably gonna be mad abt this

Charlotte started typing out a response when she heard Nathalie clear her throat. Looking up from her phone,  she saw Nathalie holding out a tissue. She looked at the tissue for a couple of seconds and snatched it moodily out of Nathalie's hand. Stuffing the white square up her nose, Charlotte finished typing her text and sent it.

Charlie: don't worry abt our lovely father's reaction, he'll care for like three seconds then go back to worrying about his work lol

Adrien snickered quietly.

AdRiKiNs: lmao yeah u right


Once they arrived back at the mansion, Charlotte didn't wait for her bodyguard to open the door as she exited the car and swiftly walked inside. She expected that her father would be standing at the top of the staircase ready to reprimand them for sneaking out, but when she shoved the heavy doors open, she was met by an empty room.

Adrien walked through the doors just in time to see Charlotte throw her arms out in exasperation. She started walking towards the stairs to go to her room when Nathalie stepped through the doorway and called out to her, "Charlotte, you father wants you and Adrien to go over your studies in the dining room."

"And I want him to care about us more than his company but here we are."

Adrien's eyes got wide as he heard Charlotte's response, and apparently she was shocked she said it too because she slapped her hand over her mouth and stood in place for a few moments before walking into the dining room.

Adrien looked back at Nathalie who was standing behind him with a slight look of shock on her face. She quickly shook her head and gestured to the dining room doorway, prompting him to walk through it and take a seat at the table.

*ten minutes later*

Nathalie paced back and forth in front of Adrien and Charlotte, reading notes off of her tablet as she quizzed them.

"Who was the first president of the fifth French Republic?" she asked.

Adrien placed his right elbow on the table and leaned his chin against his palm. "Everyone thinks it was De Gaulle, but it was actually René Coty before the first elections."

Next to Adrien, Charlotte groaned and mumbled something about how they had been over this subject multiple times. Her head was in her arms, which were crossed on top of the table.

"Excellent Adrien!" said Nathalie. She typed something into her tablet and looked up from her notes to face the bored teens. She opened her mouth to say something, when she heard someone else walk into the room. Nathalie turned towards the source of the noise and saw Gabriel Agreste standing at the other end of the table.

lol just wait til next chapter

Chapter Word Count: 1014

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