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*Next day*

I woke up pretty early today and decided to get up to go for a swim to get my mind free since I'm pretty nervous about the practice. I'm alone outside for about an hour. It's 7 am now and Dev stands in the door watching me.
"Don't get to exhausted for practice little princess. We all want you to get the scholarship so you can stay in LA and we can hang out more. Especially Anna." She winks at me before walking into the kitchen laughing. 

I get out of the pool and hit her playfully and go upstairs to get dressed. As I walk to my room I meet Anna in the hallway.
"Hey y/n...." She looks me up and down and I can see her biting her lip a bit.
"How did you sleep boon?" I ask her while looking into her eyes constantly.
"Ehm.. sorry what?" She looks up and our eyes meet for a second before she looks on the floor, turning red. I smile. Damn she's cute.
"I asked how you slept"
"Oh yeah. Pretty good, what about you?" She manages to look me into my eyes again. I still can't believe how blue and beautiful they actually are.
"Same haha the bed is really comfortable."
"That's good haha. I actually wanted to ask you something..."
"Sure what is it boon?"
"Would you mind if I drive you to practice and take you back home after?"
"No, of course not. Do you have plans while I practice? I don't want you to drive me and like doing nothing then..."
"I thought I'd watch you play."
"Sounds good haha. I probably should get dressed now tho... I need to eat something before practice and the floor is getting wet so..."
"Okay. We leave around 8:30 okay?"
"Sure. Thanks"
I walk into my room and put on my soccer outfit, a hoodie on top and put my hair into a bun.

As I walk downstairs I hear Dev laughing. I walk in and Dev and Anna look at me and stop talking. Okay??
"What was that about?" I ask confused. I see Dev starting to smile at me.
"Nothing..." Anna says with a slightly red face, looking into her cereal.
We finished breakfast, I only ate a banana since I don't eat much before games or important practices like this one, and I grab my bag and walk to Anna's car.
We sing along to almost every song that comes up and have a lot of fun which I'm pretty thankful for because it distracts me from being nervous. 

We arrived at UCLA and walk up to the pitch. I get more nervous the closer we get and I think Anna notices it because she takes my hand into hers, squeezing it softly and looking right into my eyes giving me a calming smile as I look at her. 
She holds me back right in front of the pitch and pulls me into a hug.
"Don't worry y/n. You'll get the scholarship. You got invited for a reason." She breaks the hug and looks into my eyes.
"Thank you." I walk up the pitch to get to know the coach and the team before practice starts.
It's really intense but it's fun playing on a high level and the team is super nice too. I get along with everyone. Especially with Kaila and her best friend LB.


Y/n looks really hot playing soccer. Well she looks hot all the time to be honest. I had to try really hard to keep my shit together when I saw her in her bikini earlier.
Besides that she is also pretty good, if she doesn't get the scholarship then I'd be pretty surprised.
She's done with practice and walks up to me. I open my eyes to hug her but she slowly backs off a bit.
"I'm pretty sweaty boon.."
"I don't care" I pull her in.
"You were amazing y/n."
"Thanks haha. I'll hop in the shower real quick if that's okay? I don't want you to wait any longer since it's been a whole day already but I also don't want to get in your car like this..."
"Both are fine. I don't mind waiting so you can go."
"Okay I'll be right back." She joggs to the showers and I look after her. 

After 15 minutes y/n walks out of the shower with open, wet hair. Damn...
"Okay I'm done. Wanna go home?"
"Sure. You want to go in the hot tub so your body can rest a bit? Also the girls aren't home and they took the dogs with them so you will be able to rest either way."
"Hot tub sounds good, boon."
We drive home and go to our rooms to switch into bikinis. I'm a bit nervous because I've never been that confident about my body and I want y/n to like it....


I walk outside my room in my bikini and wait for Anna to come out of hers. The door opens and she steps out in a black bikini. My jaw drops.
"What?" she asks, kinda shy. Shit I think I said that out loud...
"You are beautiful Anna"
"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself tho." She turns red again and looks me up and down. "Wanna go?" I ask, holding my hand towards her.
"Sure" she takes my hand and we walk downstairs and step in the hot tub.
We sit down and talk about the practice for a bit until she gets closer to me. I didn't try to cuddle with her because I know she doesn't like physical touch all the time and definitely not with everyone but she snuggles up to me so I put my arm around her shoulder. It feels really good being so close to each other and just living in the moment. This girl really got me falling for her. Even though I don't even know how she feels about me. I don't really care about that tho. I just don't want to lose her and want her to be in my life. I'd prefer if this is going somewhere but I think I'm good with being just friends.


Y/n and I are snuggled up in the hot tub right now and I feel so safe and happy. I don't know why I got closer to her but I want to feel her all the time. I wanna hold her hand, hug her, cuddle with her, kiss....okay wow Anna calm down, we are just friends...
I get snapped out of my thoughts because the door opens and Pluto jumps up the hot tub right between us and the girls come in so y/n and I move apart. Which is probably for better because I don't want the girls to comment about me and y/n even more. I really like her and I definitely don't need my best friends to start shipping us while we are just friends....
"Hey we brought some food you wanna eat dinner with us?" Mads asks.
"Sure I'll just get dressed." y/n answers.
"Same" we both get up and walk into our rooms exchanging some looks. She pulls me into a hug before I can walk into my room.
"Thank you for the day boon. It really meant a lot."
"Of course. It was pretty fun." I say smiling into the hug. We seperate and look into each other's eyes for a moment before walking into our rooms to change.

I take my time and as I walk downstairs I see y/n on the couch smiling at her phone.
"Hey Anna, here's your food. Please eat it y/n told us you haven't eaten anything at her practice." Emma says
"I will. What about y/n? She needs to eat as well."
"She already ate and is talking to a girl from UCLA. I think her name is Kaila." my face turns serious and I get pissed... y/n and this Kaila girl were pretty close at UCLA as well...
"Hey Anna, are you okay?" Emma asks me 
"Yes. I'll eat in my room." I grab my plate and walk upstairs. My eyes get a bit watery. No I#m not really okay. I just realised that I actually like y/n. Like really like her. She made me fall for her and she probably likes Kaila or at least I'm just a friend to her...
I eat my food and turn to the side thinking about y/n and how I always tried to protect myself from falling for someone and this girl really got me. I fall asleep while thinking about the day.

YOU // ANNA x READERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin