Chapter VII: Entry to War

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Fenrir, Erix, Tom and Harry had all stared at Life for her pronouncement. As if they had misheard her, or perhaps thought she had misspoken some part. Harry breathed shakily and his mind whirled with ideas of what was coming; Death had prepared him for what this task might entail, but already the pace was moving insanely quick and without moments to plan.

"What do you mean they're attacking and invading more than just the magical community of Great Britain? How many countries already suffer from them and how long has this been going on?"

Life swallowed with nervousness as Harry's magic began to crackle with his anxiety; the feeling of death becoming pronounced like when her brother was angry, "As of right now, we are not sure as to how long they have been acting. They have been very underhanded; trying to keep the eyes of my brother off of them and their activities for what appears to be a long time, and also from whatever they were doing to prepare and to begin this rebellion of theirs."

Life eyed the area with sadness and a hollow gaze, "And with how busy my brother always is; it is not unsurprising to note that he missed seeing the signs of this rebellion. I have little sway or sight to the magic he uses or the creatures he governs; so I couldn't have sensed them. Not as quickly as he could have, but I am at fault too.

The Necromancers are creatures, to an extent. Most of them are humans by birth and as such; I should have been able to seek them by this bind. But they hid well from us; using magic that we believe they should not be able to...with aid from others."

Harry's eyes narrowed on her, "The vampires, then?"

Life winced, "Yes. Them and several other factions as well. This will be a long, bloody and brutal engagement for you all to bear. I am...sorry.

We only know for certainty that Britain, France, Spain, Russia and North America are the most centralized and concentrated countries that have been targeted with small incursions." She spoke lightly with slight wavering to her tone

"Though, thus far; none of the clans have yet to really make a targeted attempt at creating a fortress and begin the process of capturing people to turn into experiments or otherwise. My brother and I would have felt that regardless of whatever magic they used to hide with. It seems they have been taking tally of people, resources, and such."

Life's gaze hollowed once more, "Though for how much longer this persists and lasts; we couldn't say?"

Harry's brow rose as a loud crackle of mana was heard. As the purple lightning-like shape lashed the ground and left a smallish scorch, "Why would they attack North America or Russia? The Russian magical community is one that still holds true to the old customs; they freely use dark magic with monitors.

Considering that students from Durmstrang hail from there and other countries surrounding it. Or slightly abroad, if evaluated and accepted. Not that all of them are the same level of devout to those traditions and practices, but it to be expected there.

As for the witches and wizards of the States; they accept necromancy use under extremely and heavily enforced guidelines; strict and thoroughly followed guidelines that their Aurors and Hit-Wizards of all branches watch closely?

The practices are under tight and overly double-checked licensing?"

Harry breathed as the others listened intently for information that would help them all now to endure and to survive this new war, "Few people choose to pursue the craft there. There are even fewer bloodlines left with the latent abilities in the blood, but it is still more readily accepted there than it is here in our home-land? 

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