6. Coupd'état

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Hinata after training with her Father went to Uchiha compound. Mikoto & Fugaku greeted her, she indulged in a civilized conversation with Fugaku about current affairs. While Mikoto scowled at her husband for taking her favourite girl's attention all to himself.

Soon Naruto, Sasuke & Neji finished their shuriken training & came to Uchiha compound. It was an unsaid habit for them to go to Uchiha compound around late noon. Mikoto loved having the kids in the compounds, she'd spoil them very much & Fugaku himself didn't mind seeing young ninja with great potential around his house. He saw the progress Sasuke & others were making because of their friendship. They were all skilled & smart above average for their age they were about high genin level & they've yet to begin their academy. Sometimes he & Itachi would train the four together as Hiashi did that too few times but due to the elders always looking down onto it they did it around secretly.

Due to training with the Uchiha helped them in genjutsu & ninjutsu, training with Hyuga helped in taijutsu & chakra control. Hinata's skills were improving rapidly she could do couple hours of sparring for days in row without having her body cramped up.

Shisui found Itachi training in the woods & made his way towards him.

"To what do I own the pleasure,my dear cousin?" Itachi asked sharpening his kunai.

"Aww I thought you'd be gleaming in sunshine & rainbows after seeing me." Shisui fake pouted.

Itachi sighed at his childishness.

"Anyways, I wanted to talk about your student- the Hyuga heiress." Shisui said in serious tone which made Itachi face him giving his complete attention.

"What about her?" Itachi raised a brow.

"She's... different." Shisui said narrowing his eyes.


"She knows things- things that no one should know especially not a 7 year old heiress." Shisui said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Itachi gave a hard stare to his cousin.

"I didn't wanted to tell you first but now I have no choice. She knows what my sharingan can do- the visual manipulative skills kotoamatsukami holds. No one not even you or Fugaku-san knows this."

"Kotoamatsukami? I thought it was a legend or a myth yes I've read few ancient scrolls about it but that doesn't explain how Hinata would know that." Itachi explained.

"That's the thing, she shouldn't know that. She also gave me this agonizing puzzle/mystery thingy - she said something like 'the treachery has spread into konoha's soil by it's root, during a war don't destroy the enemies territory destroy the root of its territory' " Shisui sighed.

"It oddly feels that she was hinting towards root ANBU but she shouldn't know what root is, many jounins & others don't know what root is - it's puzzling." Itachi voiced his thoughts.

"I know I thought the same. I don't know how she knows about my power or root but if she was hinting something that means she knows something we don't, I think we should act on what she said. Ss puzzling & mysterious she is- I somehow feel we can trust her or atleast trust her loyalty towards the village." Shisui said while Itachi nodded in understanding.

"I'll observe her for know if anything out of the ordinary happens then I'll confront her & inform you." Shisui nodded.

"Ja ne ita-chan." Shisui smirked as Itachi sighed in annoyance.

Meanwhile as Hinata was reading a book on advance medicine & poison her father entered in the sitting room.

"Good morning Tou-san" Hinata said without taking her eyes off her book.

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