5. Uchiha

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"My my what made you four so happy & cheerful?" Mikoto asked fugaku was sitting by the center table reading newspaper while Itachi was tending to his blades & weapons.

Sasuke & Naruto happily started ranting about her spar which was confusing for others to understand. "Enough! You two, we don't get a word you said. My dear Neji why don't you tell me." Mikoto asked.

"Mikoto-san, Hinata-sama...-" he was cut off by "just Hinata Neji-nii" he sighed & nodded continuing.

"...Hinata was made to be sparred with Amashi a chunin ranked Hyuga who's considered to be a prodigy & genius himself. She proposed a deal that if she'd lose, she do whatever her father & the clan asks of her & if she'd win then they'll allow branch family members like me to learn advance clan techniques while we'd been given an equal respect as the main family." Naruto hoorayed after neji was finished.

"I'm guessing Hinata won?" They all nodded happily.

She ran & hugged Hinata knocking the air out of her lungs, at a moment Hinata thought the hours of spars with Itachi were more better than this. Soon Mikoto loosened her grip & gave a motherly embrace. She told hinata how much proud she was of her & told her that her late mother would still be just as proud of her. Hinata started crying & decided not to leave Mikoto's embrace. After few minutes of Sasuke trying to wiggle in to her mother's arms & hugging Hinata to stop crying she finally let go of Mikoto.

The 3 boys tackled hinata into a huge hug while she was choking & saying can't breathe. Itachi finally threw the 3 boys away from suffocating her. He looked at her with a proud look as he knew Amashi's skills & knowing he was a good ninja.

They all sat & played for a bit while Mikoto was cooking. She forced Fugaku to bring cinnamon rolls as it was her favourite. Fugaku & Mikoto saw Hinata as the daughter they never had, being friends with her mother & father remind them how much Hinata was kind like her mother & fierce like her father.

They all played games, ate & had fun. Hinata tugged Itachi aside from the group taking him to near the small pond at the porch. They sat there.

"Itachi sensei thank you, thank you for training me. It really helped me accomplish something it was small but it was something nonetheless. I have goals, goals to unite the branch & main family as a one big happy family. Disbanding the wrongs & corrupt ways of the Hyuga elders & removing the practice of Caged Bird seal. I just hope when I'll achieve this goals you'll be at my side as my sensei." Itachi smiled softly he saw Hinata as his little sister, she was same age as Sasuke she was their friend too. She was kind, strong, pretty & skilled.

"You're welcome Hinata. As much as I'd love to see you accomplish your goals I'd want you to take care of yourself while doing so. I may have asked you to be my friend in return of training but you're like my little sister. You're important to me just as how Sasuke is, so please take good care of yourself before I force you to do so myself." He said the whole thing smiling softly except at the last part when he released his killer intent showing Hinata he wasn't kidding, she gulped.

"Only you Itachi-nii can say such a sweet think with a smile & then almost scare them to death with threats." She laughed.

"I like it when you referred to be as your brother. I'm glad to have you like my little sister." He smiled & Hinata hugged him.

They went back to the living room & joined everyone.

A year & few months passed & they were all almost 7 years old.

Hinata trained under her father thrice a weak & under Itachi thrice a weak if the other one were ever busy she'd train on her own. In her free time she sparred & trained with her friends, read books or scrolls as she was given access to the restricted ranked only library after pleading to Hokage, he couldn't resist 4 kids with puppy eyes to help their friends.

She was training one day, she noticed another presence near her but she didn't acknowledged it till the end.

"You can come out now." Hinata scowled.

She heard footsteps coming towards her.

"You're pretty good at sensing even masked chakra that too without byakugan." A guy with dark ruffled hair, onyx eyes, a konoha hita-eii with jounin flak jacket.

"Shisui Uchiha, Prodigy & Genius of the Uchiha clan the only other person in the entire Uchiha clan who can match Itachi-nii's skills." Hinata said even without looking at him.

"You've heard of me, my my what an honor to be known to the prodigy of the Hyuga clan." Shisui exclaimed.

"I know stuffs, I have my ways." She turned towards him.

"Very well then, you should take extra care to protect those pretty eyes of yours. You never know who'd want to steal it."
Shisui smirked.

"Well, I could say the same for you. Your eyes are also very skilled. I'm sure many would want to steal it, to possess the manipulation they can cause with kotoamatsukami." Hinata said calmly.

"How do you know about this? No one except myself knows the manipulative power of kotoamatsukami. Not even Fugaku-san's or itachi." He was surprised.

"Like I said I have ways, take your advice for yourself. The treachery is spreading deeper into konoha soil with the help of the roots. Like they say don't fight in the enemy's territory, destroy the root of the territory. Do it before it's too late." Hinata left a surprised puzzled Shisui.

He was trying to make sense of how she knew about his visual manipulation & what she was indicating as the root of the problem or was she indicating the root was the problem itself. He decided to talk to Itachi about his dear student.

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