You would be an amazing mother💔

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- It is good that you can not become a mother.
Ipek, emptied of all emotions, was heartbroken by Ateş's words, but gathered her strength and locked the pain in her head. It was already too late, get up and get ready to leave. Ateş was sitting in his office, thinking, Ipek's eyes did not come out of his memory, he did not want to admit but he realized that Ipek was very tired as if he had killed something very pure feeling in her. He was afraid to go to Ipek, he did not know what to say when she will ask why he did it… but he decided to leave anyway. When he arrived at her office, only the light of one small lamp was visible, he gathered all his courage and opened the doors slowly. Ipek immediately realized without knocking that Ateş had entered. She looked at her for a moment and shifted her gaze to the papers, ateş was looking at ipek and could not say anything, after a while:

A: won't you say something?
I: What can I say? You came in to say something.
A: Ipek…
Ipek ignored.
A: Look at me.
Ateş arrived at her desk, closed the folded papers, and forced Ipek to look at him.
A: ipek! (Said relatively loudly)
I: I am not deaf, screaming is not necessary.
A: I haven't meant what you thought.
I: you did not say anything wrong.
A: What does that mean?
I: Everything you said is true.
A: No.
I: Sorry, I have to go home.

Ateş grabbed Ipek by the arm and stopped her.
A: Don't run from me.
I: Release my hand.
Ipek freed herself from Ateş's arms and quickly left the office.
A: Ipek…
Ateş decided to follow Ipek, called the elevator, and despite his leg's pain, caught up with Ipek in the parking. Ipek had to open the car door, at which point Ateş blocked the seating area by hand.
I: Ateş…
A: Said Ipek.
I: What can I say… (said Ipek without emotion)
A: At least once, express to me how you feel, at least once anger, fear, melancholy did not kill in you or show me that your heart hurt. Beat me, cry, punish me, do not talk to me anymore but do not act like that, it will drive you crazy to leave all emotions in you. (Ateş said angrily and slightly loudly)
I: I do not understand what you are asking from me. I chose the wrong treatment for that child, i could have had a very bad outcome if you and your team had not been. I will never become a mother and I do not feel sorry for it, I do not deserve to be tested for this feeling. I was not created for motherhood. (Ipek's eyes filled with tears)
A: Well done, you know that what I told you is not true… Moreover, you will be a very good mother here.
I: I can not… (Ipek opened the car door and left quickly)

Ateş feelt that ipek should not be let go, so he started the motorcycle and followed ipek. Tears welled up in Ipek's eyes, she periodically wiped her eyes with her hands, looking at the road it was too late, so the movement was not too congested. 10 minutes later, he noticed in the mirror ateş, at least now wanted to talk to him, grabbed the gas leg and went forward, Ateş did not give up  and increased the speed.

A: What are you trying to do?

Ipek periodically looked at Ateş in the mirror and tried to run away from him, despite this, Ateş slowly caught up with her, they looked into each other's eyes but Ipek did not give up, the gas firmly reached her foot and overtook Ateş. At that moment her hands and feet began to tremble but she was trying to continue driving quietly, she did not notice the red light at the crossroads, her eyes blurred for a second, her attention was drawn to the sharp light from the left, but it was too late the truck could not stop and crashed.

It was as if the world had stopped, the leaves were no longer moving, people were no longer breathing, the earth stopped spinning, Ateş took a deep breath ane could not breathe, the sound of a terrible collision brought him back to reality, he was afraid, very scared, he was losing someone, Whose one smile was enough to be well all day, he was losing someone whose  existence made him happy, and that the fact that he was somewhere, breathing and being well  was enough for him. Sitting in that car was a woman whom he had always hoped for, fearing he was losing something very precious.
He soon got off the motorcycle, even though it was already late in the evening, quite a lot of people gathered at the scene of the accident, ateş went, broke a circle of people and approached the car, touched the shattered glass and turned Ipek's face towards him Her pulse was checked, she was weak but there was still hope, this time he heard an ambulance siren, opened the car door, removed the seat belt and as the doctor realized that the condition was much worse than he imagined, the seat belt shattered the carotid artery. Picked her up and lay down on a stretcher.

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