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Wish you good reading💜

After a tiring day, Ateş solved the case, said goodbye to the team members and prepared to go home. In the corridor, when he was walking towards the elevator, he remembered that Ipek was not kept all day, moreover, she was not instructed to go to the polyclinic. He wondered what was going on with his boss and went to Ipek's office.

Ipek's desk was full of papers, by the time her door opened, Ipek had not raised her head because she knew only ateş would enter without knocking.
A: Boss!
I: i am listening.
A: Are you okay?
I: Since when do you worry, my condition.
A: shame on you , no one cares more than me.
I: What a great honor, why should I be bad?
Ateş at this time sat in chair, where he always sits often and started playing with the hourglass.
A: you have not asked me all day, you have not sent me to the polyclinic, you have not come to me, did you not miss me at all?
I: Forgive me dear, I had a lot to do.
A: I see ...
There was frequent silence at this time, atheist periodically observing Ipek, which was strongly accompanied in terms of fatigue, and for some reason something was in order.
A: Is anything else happening?
Ipek shifted her gaze from the table to Ateş.
I: What else needs to happen?
A: I do not know, think or worry about something ...
I: Nothing.
A: Sometimes you forget that I have known you for 20 years ...
I: and ...
A: with me you can't neither lie nor hide your emotions.
I: Aren't You going to home. Go with your motorcycle, buy Tantun, watch your TV series, drink tea, do something, I have work to do and I am tempted.
A: Tell me what is the problem
and i'll evaporate in 5 minutes.
I: nothing special
A: you just know I heard anyway.
I: You do not understand, there is nothing serious with it.
A: ...
I: Goodbye Ateş.
A: Miami ...
Ipek looked up and looked back at work again.
I: If you knew why didn't you shut up until made me headache.
- Did not Orhan accept?
I: finally he has good relitionship with asli, I do not want to interfere.
A: And ...
I: Nothing I guess who followed me, a bit of a normal doctor that could even deliver a speech.
- Why didn't you offer me?
I: Why should I be offered to refuse again.
A: Maybe I was not telling you "NO".
I: Well, Ateş, I know you very well ...
Ateş got up from the sofa and approached Ipek, put his hip on the table and said ...
A: I will follow you to Miami.
I: Ateş, I'm not in the mood for a joke.
A: I'm not kidding really.
Ipek looked at him with pleasant surprise.
I: But you do not like to speak.
A: I do not love, But i can.
I: so will you come?
A: Yes.
Ipek smiled gently and warmly, her gaze turned to work again and said
I: Ateş 5 minutes have passed, time to go home.
Ateş walked to the door and said before leaving the room
A: Good night ipek.
I: Goodbye Ateş.
Departure evening:

Ipek was sitting in the car when the phone rang:
I: I am listening, Ateş.
A: Boss how punctual you are.
I: There is a traffic jam and what can I do?
A: Tell the plane that it is a traffic jam and it will wait for you.
I: Ateş flight is in 1 hour.
A: Why didn't you tell me that it would be at 10 o'clock?
I: I lied to you that you were prepared soon.
A: Aren't you ashamed, teacher?
I: Good ateş, I will be with you in 10 minutes.
A: Good.

Ten minutes later, Ateş saw Ipek through the window, took his bag and went out into the yard, put the bag in the trunk and sat in the car, fastened his seat belt and returned to Ipek:
A: How do sleepy eyes fit you?
I: Haha, what a good talker you are (said Ipek angrily)
When Ipek was already parking the car near to airport, she said:
I: Where is your passport?
A: Hiii, but how many times have I said to myself "don't forget to pasport"
I: Are you crazy ateş?
A: It's your fault that you called me to distract me.
I: Excuse me Mr. Ateş.
Ipek did not even have the strength to quarrel, put his head behind the wheel and took a deep breath.
At this time, Ateş smiled loudly, which made Ipek more irritated, and she looked at Ateş angrily. Atesh took the passport from his coat pocket and said:
A: Abraka Dabra.
Ipek opened the car doors and spoke ...
I: I can already imagine how hard this 3 day will be..
Stewardess: Mrs. Ipek, you are standing by the window, Mr. Ateş, you are by her side.
I: Thank you.
A: I hope you'll sit me down by the window.
I: of couse no.
At this time Ateş said in a childish voice:
A: But mom. (Ama annnneeeee)
I: shh. okay sit.
Ateş sat down by the window, Ipek sat on the side, and the made no sound before plane's start.
When the plane started, Ateş gently took Ipek by the hand and looked at her.
I: you remember ....
A: Sometimes you are same little ipek who was scared by fly. But then I remember how Strict you are and all the sentiment disappears from my mind.
Ipek laughed, and soon let go of Ateş's hand.
A: When is the conference?
I: One will be that evening, the other that departure day in the afternoon.
A: And do you know that I have a total of 3 shorts and floral shirts?
I: I hope you are joking.
A: No dear, what I knew was that I would need a pantsuit in Miami.
I: when we set foot on land then I will quarrel you.
A: Well, hopefully in 12 hours the rage will pass you by.
I: Do not even dream.
After crossing the main road, Ateş and Ipek arrived in Miami and took a taxi to the hotel.
I: Hello, I am Ipek Tekin, two numbers are reserved in my name.
Reception: Hello, yes, this is your key. This is the key to Mr. Ateş's room, your room is the last 2 rooms on the fifth floor.
I / A: Thank you.
Entering the elevator at this time Ipek looked in the mirror and straightened her hair with her hand, Ateş stared at her and froze his gaze for a while.
After opening the elevator, they passed the corridor silently, as soon as they approached the door, Ateş said:
A: Eee ...
I: From now on I know I have to sleep, I will tell you the rest ...
A: Good Sleep Boss.
I: Thank you.

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