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He stands over me with a small smile. "Creator..."

I raise a brow. "Excuse me?"

He looks away. "On my planet, we call your gender, creator. Because you can create life. You create many things. Men sustain, but you create."

He closes his eyes, a small smile on his face. "It's almost...what is the word...godly."

I scoff. "That's a very reassuring way to think. Earth has a habit of treating its women badly. Especially as the men began to die out."

"Ah," he starts walking toward the kitchen. "Creators...women have always been scarce on our planet. We value strength, you see."

I nod, as he opens the fridge, offering me water. I take it.

"And the strength required to create life is exceptional. We find women to be wise, and strong, so the few we have are in high positions of power."

"You value strength, in your society?"

He nods. "Yes. Officials are chosen on their strength. Those who are strong must protect the weak. It is our duty."

She opened the water bottle. "So you're a warrior society?"

He leaned on the counter, looking around the house. "Something of the sort. Then, since we've been paired, we must be compatible. Tell me about yourself?"

She shrugged, toying around with the water bottle. "What is there to say? I'm a woman. There's plenty of us. I...want to leave this godforsaken planet."

He cocked his head. "Why?"

She scoffed, unscrewing the water bottle top. "This is in my lungs now," she held it up, "this plastic. This water is contaminated. We've been avoiding death for years. I don't imagine we have much more."

She glanced up, finding him listening intently. She hid her smile. It was odd. It made her almost nervous.

"Our planet is ruined. And instead of stopping the ruination, they just make it worse, because...money."

He nodded. "So you want to go to a society with different values,"

"Yes. I just...I want to leave here. I don't want to watch my planet die, I guess."

He reached out, putting his large hand over hers. "Unfortunately, even if you leave, you're right. In this state, your planet will die. Soon. Either you die with it, or watch everyone on it go extinct."

She looked down sadly.

He sighed, squeezing her hand gently. His hand was so much bigger than hers.

"I'm sorry," he said simply.

"Me too," she whispered.

He watched her carefully. She was delicate, he thought. And a kind soul. He smiled. He liked her. He thought, so far, she seemed to be a good person.

"Let's speak of happier things," he suggested. "What are your hobbies?"

She met his eye. "Don't they tell you that on the compatibility papers?"

"I want you to tell me," he suggested softly.

She shifted in her seat. "I like to dance," she said softly. "Not that I have much time anymore. And you? What are your hobbies?"

He smiled. "I haven't much time for hobbies, I'm afraid. I have duties. Responsibilities. I find I don't have much spare time."

"But you want a wife," she snorted.

He took in her expression. She had a poof of tight curls, bundled on her head, her brown eyes dark, and somewhat sad. He noted that she was healthy, her hips wide, a cushion of fat over her soft belly.

She seemed ideal for children.

"Yes, I want a wife," he observed her carefully. "A partner. I also need a creator. Children."

She raised a brow. "Do you want a wife...or do you need children?"

He copied her expression, as confusion swept over him. "I...did I mistranslate? I want a wife and children."

"No I understood you," she stood, and though she was tall compared to other humans, the difference between their heights was striking, she looked up at him.

"I guess I'm trying to get to the root of the matter," she said simply.

He watched her lips fearing he'd misunderstand.

"I don't want you to say what you think I want to hear. I want you to be honest. Are you looking for a relationship, or do you need someone to have your children?"

He frowned, cocking his head. "Is there an instance where you do not do both?"

She scoffed. "Yeah...it is."

"I have not been made aware of such an arrangement. What is the purpose?"

She chuckled. "The purpose?"

"A creator bears many pains to bring children. She would only do so with a worthy mate. That's...how we do it. Is that not the way it is here?"

She purses her lips. "No. It's not."

He nodded. "I see. What an inefficient system. Then...how do things work here?"

She looked away. "Shouldn't you know? Or do you just go to random planets?"

He smiled. "You cannot trust an entity tasked with taking from you to tell you the truth. Your government provided information, but we disregarded the lot of it."

"Why?" She asked.

Anith purses his lips. "Because those people are weak. And when weak people command power, they do awful things to prove they are not weak. To deny what they are."

She looked up at him. "You're pretty deep huh?"

He cocked his head. "Deep in what?"

She chuckled. "And a little dense too. It's almost cute."

"Cute...." He repeated stupefied.

She laughed, as this alien, damn near giant stood there confused.

"I'm sorry I don't understand..." he said, "Have I mistranslated?"

Anith: Beyond SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now