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It took several days to get to the moon, but Roxanne managed to do it. It was...a bumpy landing.

Anith sighed, looking out. "It seems to be barren."

"Good," Roxanne said.

"It is not good. If nothing lives here, it's for a reason."

He put on a suit, pausing as Roxanne did the same.

"No, you will stay here," he instructed her.


He took her helmet off. "You have done enough of the meddling. If I do encounter other life forms, I don't want you to...try to kill them."

"I'm not some crazed Murderer?!"

"No," he chuckled, "I am a crazed murderer. You...are a menace. The ship, lock the doors when I leave. Stay put Roxanne."

"Hey, wait don't leave me!" She called. He put his hand on her head.

"You cannot be held responsible for your actions, correct? Since I am the person who is closest to you now, I must be responsible for you. You will be fine. I will return soon."

Roxanne bit her lip. "Hey, hey, wait wait. Anith."

He paused. "Yes?"

"I..." she looked away. "They'll leave the planet. It's fine, you know? They'll get away. And earth will heal. That's all I wanted to do." She murmured.

Anith sighed. "Where I come from, you do not send viruses to kill those who pose a threat. You kill them with your bare hands."

Roxanne swallowed. "Do ya...do that often?"

Anith stared down at her fiercely making her shrink. "Yes."

She chuckled nervously. "Heh...oh."

"What I said stands. You will stay and accompany the ship. I won't go far. And by the way, the amount of gravity needed to leave the atmosphere here is very high."

"And what does that mean?"

Anith narrowed his eyes. "If you attempt to flee, I will know it. And I am strong enough, to bring this ship back to the ground. If you wish to strand yourself here for who knows how long, then try to leave."

He smiled. "Now then, I made you some snacks for the wait. And the juice of fruits!"

She rolled her eyes, plopping down. "Do you mean fruit juice?"

He cocked his head. "Have I mistranslated?"

"No, no. You're fine. Just hurry back."

Anith patted her head. "Will do!" He put on his helmet. "Though you have deceived me, used me, stranded me on a godforsaken moon, and almost had me killed, I still find you quite likable."

Roxanne snorted. "Yeah, thanks, Anith."

"You are most welcome, Roxanne!"

He opened the hatch stepping out. He sighed, looking around.

He took a few steps. The gravity wasn't too bad. He glanced back at the ship.

She wouldn't leave would she? No. Roxanne may have been reckless and dangerous, and crazed, and-

He glanced back. But surely...no. He adjusted his helmet. He was a warrior.

Anith: Beyond SpaceWhere stories live. Discover now