drunken mess

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Bakugou POV:

I was sitting on a curb outside a gas station drinking malibu and vodka every time I took a sip it burned my mouth a little bit 'I'm not a pussy I don't need a chaser' I thought putting a cigarette to my mouth

I just want to forget everything and not think anymore and the only way for that is too be drunk outta my mind. so here I am cold, lost, and drunk outside the 7-11 if anyone from school found out I'd be fucked

"Hey kid isn't it a little past your bedtime?" I hear a deep and familiar voice from behind me, I turned slowly taking another hit of the cigarette unbothered

I couldn't see the guy he was in the shadows but I can tell he was wearing boots and a trench coat

"Mind your own business" I slurred a bit turning away from the mysterious figure too drunk to care about anything

"Oh little one.. your a mess aren't you?" He said, I turned to look at him again annoyed he stepped into the light...

"Dabi!?" I got up fast throwing the cig on the floor

"Hello kat" he gave a sinister smile

"Look I'm not looking for a fight just leave me alone!" I yelled taking my vodka and malibu about to turn to walk away

"I can't let you go you can get hurt or worse in this state" he says turning me back around and taking the bottles and throwing them making them break

"Asshole" I grumbled

"Why do you care anyways your a villain" I said annoyed while still slurring on my words

"Oh baby papa isn't going to be happy about this..." he said with genuine concern in his voice

"Who tf is 'papa' my DAD won't care he's too much of a coward to say anything" I said

"Let's get you home baby" he said and picked me up as if I weighed nothing, I never realized how tall he was I felt so far from the ground or maybe it's just the alcohol making it seem that way

"Put me down" I slurred my voice loud as I weakly hitting him, then was too tired and drunk to fight

"Shh it's okay baby boy" he said rubbing my back soothingly I started to drift off

"That's it, good boy" he cooed as if I was a baby

'Maybe I'll just rest for a little bit' I thought falling asleep with my head on the villain's shoulder

I know I should've been screaming and fighting but I couldn't find myself to care right now he could literally be killing me and I'd just accept it. I'm too weak at the moment, I hate admitting it but it's true. I'm too cold to sweat and use my quirk and too tired and drunk to even yell

I slowly opened my eyes everything was very blurry and I had a massive headache

'I must've gotten too drunk again' I thought as I sat up to take a look at my surroundings

I'm in some sort of baby room. The walls were light pink and hello kitty themed and there was stuffed animals and toys everywhere in the corner there was a changing table that looked really big, as my eyes adjusted I noticed Im in a cage I look down and I'm in a giant light blue sweater that covered me completely

"Hello!?" I yell anger laced in my voice

I can't remember anything of last night but I'm guessing I was taken by some creep, I head footsteps and the doorknob shaking

"Good morning sleepyhead did you get a goodnight rest?" I hear a very very familiar voice I try and get a better look and I see-


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