growth spurt

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No one POV:

bakugou always made fun of deku for being shorter all through primary, middle, and the first year of high school. he would also baby or tease him infront of the other students to purposely embarrass him

Deku POV:

Flash back...


"haha look at poor baby deku too much of a baby for quirk!" Bakugou yelled pushing me to the floor while all the other kids laughed as my eyes teared up

"aw can the poor baby not defend himself? are you gonna cry?" Bakugou said in a baby voice making my cheeks heat up from humiliation

Primary School:

(Deku:4'6 Bakugou:4'11)

"you're too short deku how do you expect to be a hero if you can't even reach the top shelf" bakugou said laughing with his friends

"I'll grow!" I slightly yelled back but then cowered again

"yeah right stupid deku, you'll probably only make it to 5ft" he laughed even more now the whole class was laughing

"uou're not that much taller.." I grumbled quietly walking away

Middle School:

(Deku: 4'11 Bakugou: 5'0)

"aw did baby deku have an accident?" bakugou laughed pouring water on my lap the class laughed

"bakugou that is not appropriate behavior!" the teacher scolded I did my best not to cry I just looked at my lap embarrassed

"whatever" he smirked and walked off

First year at UA:

last day

(Deku: 5'0 Bakugou: 5'2)

"And you said you'll grow taller!" Bakugou said laughing

"Hey it's not bad to be short midobro!" Kirishima said trying to make me feel better but it didn't

"yeah its ok!" Ururaka said with her cheerful voice

"we'll see kacchan your only two inches taller" I said and stormed off


Present (first day of their 2nd year at UA)

(Deku: 6'5 Bakugou: 5'2
Everyone else: 5'5-6'6)

I can't wait to go back to school now that I grew and got a lot more muscle because of my quirk and training, all might said I would pass him when I'm a pro

I arrive at the school late everyone is already in class, I open the classroom door and everyone gasps dramatically

"your late- m-midoryia?" aizawa asks shocked

I nod and go to my seat kacchan is glaring daggers at me before focusing on the board, when bell rings everyone starts heading to lunch as I was packing up to leave to class I feel a harsh pull on my shirt, I look down to see a very angry kacchan

he's so much cuter from this prospective

"yes?" I ask innocently with a small smirk

"stupid deku how the fuck did you grow this much you fucker!" He says pouting with out realizing it I do my best to hold back from awwing at him

"maybe your just short" i pat his head

I look and see everyone has already left for lunch I smirk to myself and look back at bakugou and pick him up on my hip

"HEY!" he yells squirming I bounce him a little

"shh stop fussing baby" I say in a teasing manner he growls at me but I'm unfazed by it and just walk to the cafeteria with him in my arms

"put me down you damn nerd!" He yells but it sounds like a whine

"you're too little" I cooed with a huge grin

'karmas a bitch'

I open the cafeteria door everyone looks at us

I walk over to the table where the deku/baku squad sit. We all started eating together as a big group at the end of last year. I sit down and hold the angry kacchan in my lap everyone looks at us shocked

"aw you guys look so cute" the girls all squeal

"gross! let me go!" kacchan says trying to get away but I hold tighter

"come on kacchan" I kiss his baby cheeks

"Ima kill you" he says while I start to tickle his sides

"s-stop!" kacchan giggles then blushed embarrassed looking down

I smile as everyone starts babying him and calling him cute

"stupid deku" kacchan muttered

"This is karma for all those years of bullying and babying me for being short" I whisper in his ear he silently curses

"maybe I should go all out hm?" I whisper in his ear he looks at me confused

"what do you mean?" He asks suspiciously

"You know get you nappys, toys, cute little onesies, and pacis, I could carry you around cause your too little to walk and I could get you a crib to sleep in" as i say this kacchans face gets redder and redder from embarrassment and probably anger

"I'd kill my self" he said glaring at me

"You'd love me taking care of you" I smile

"no die"

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