the past

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Deku 6'4 (pro hero)

Past Bakugou 4'11

No one POV:

Deku got hit with a quirk during a fight with a villain that got him sent back into the past to his middle school days. He woke up on the street next to his old middle school still in his pro hero body though which he was thankful for

"what time is it?" He mumbled to himself looking down at his watch

"school just got out... that means kacchan just got out of school" he smirked to himself and leaned against the wall patiently waiting for him to walk down with his so called "friends"

Deku POV:

After a couple minutes of waiting I heard familiar voices, I look over and saw between his friends who were practically towering over him

'I forgot how short he used to be...he's so cute' I awed at how cute my kacchan is i couldn't appreciate how adorable he was in middle school because i was busy getting bullied by him

I walked in front of them making them go silent and stop looking up at me scared not kacchan though he looked annoyed

"who the hell are you getting in our fucking way!?" kacchan yelled up at me

"you look familiar?" one of his fake friends said

"wow you can't recognize me? I'm hurt, it's me izuku midoryia also known as "deku" I said with a fake hurt tone they looked at me shocked which made me smirk

"you can't be that nerd! I just saw him plus you're in a hero costume and your too tall and strong to be that loser!" kacchan glared, I looked down at him and smiled gently bending down to his eye level

"that's because I'm from the future and I'm dressed like a hero because I am a hero kacchan~" I smiled widely, he took a step back blushing a little with how close our faces were

"I got to borrow kacchan bye!" I say happily and grab his hand gently pulling him along with me

"um ok bye" his fake friends say and walk away

"w-what no!" kacchan yells squirming and hitting my much larger hand

"I think you need a punishment for bullying me all these years hm?" I say looking at him, he quickly looked away trying to hide how scare he is

"I'm not mad and I forgive you because I think those friends of yours tainted your mind, but I still think a punishment is in order" I reassured him

"tch like a quirk less loser can hurt me!" he acted as if he didn't care but he doesn't even realize how shaky he is

"don't make it worse for yourself" I take him to a motel and rented out a room

"what are you gonna do?" he asks trying to sound intimidating but i can hear a little fear in his voice

"go to the corner you get 15 minutes don't turn around unless you want to be there longer" he nods quickly and stands in the corner facing the wall i was surprised how easily he complied but he knows he couldn't take me in a fight

"good boy" I praised and sat on the bed patiently

after the 15 minutes were over

"come here." I demanded, he slowly walks over to me

"lay across my lap" I say he looks at me stunned then angry

"no!" he screamed embarrassed

"NOW katsuki I'm not gonna ask again" I began to grow irritated as he still disobeys and glares, I pull him over my lap myself

"10" I say he looks at me confused

"good boy" I say and pull him up on my lap cradling him as he was struggling to get away

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"good boy" I say and pull him up on my lap cradling him as he was struggling to get away

"someone needs a nap after that, huh bud?" i cooed and tucked him into the bed he was struggling but as i predicted he quickly fell asleep

'cute' i kissed his forehead

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