Civil war actors

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Like I always say thank you everyone who has voted/ commented / read this. You don't know how amazing this is to me so THANK YOU!! <3
Get ready though cause what's coming next is way sadder.

Everyone turned to look at K tears evident in their red eyes even the ones who didn't even know Nat. " how could it get any sadder?" Clint asked in a croaky voice.

You don't wanna know trust me...


But to lighten up your spirits a little before one of the sad bits here is the actors of the civil war:

" Lady or Lord K what is this 'Civil War' you speak of?" Thor asked as everyone apart from those part of the civil war turned to look in the general direction of K curiously.

The Civil war was a small battle between team Ironman and team Captain America over the Sokovia Accords- a set of legal documents designed to regulate the activities of enhanced individuals, specifically for those who work for either government agencies such as S.H.I.E.L.D. or for private organizations such as the Avengers. These accords were signed by 117 nations and team Ironman: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, the vision, Rhodey and T'challa supported the accords team cap: Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes were opposed to the idea trying to get Bucky to safety after he had been framed but Zemo for killing king T'Chaka and many others. It is also found out that Bucky brainwashed as the winter soldier killed Tony's parents causing another battle including Tony, Steve and Bucky. The battle ended with team cap excluding Steve and Bucky being locked up in the raft prison before being broken out but Steve and Bucky and going on the run becoming the rouge avengers. Both teams nor won or lost since the battle had cost a lot.

Both teams sat closer together as to symbolise that their friendship had mended and that there was no hard feelings.

Now onto the actors before I run out of time

First we have Sebastian Stan

Sebastian Stan is the actor of Bucky Barnes and is an Romanian-American actor

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Sebastian Stan is the actor of Bucky Barnes and is an Romanian-American actor. He is 38 years old and has a girlfriend.

"Look'n good Barnes"
"o m g"

Next we have Anthony Mackie who is sam Wilson

Next we have Anthony Mackie who is sam Wilson

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