The reactions plus black widdow trailer pt1

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Hey sorry I haven't updated recently I don't like making excuses a couple of things has happened during these last few days but I'm back and I will hopefully be updating every few days when I have time, love you all

K stoped talking and all the Og's had the same thought in their heads " omg we are soo old".
" well I have to say we are lookin' good" Tony said with his paparazzi smile gleaming, everyone laughed and agreed right away knowing this was Tony's way of cheering everyone up. " i still can't believe all of us apart from Cap over here have kids" Nat said disbelief in her voice, the pain of what happened in the red room lingering at the back of her head but happiest that her actress got to have something she couldn't. " I gotta go with Nat here, I never thought any of us other than Clint would ever have children" Bruce agreed with a slight smile of his face happy everyone was getting along but still a bit confused about what had happened whilst he was gone.
K's voice filled the room,
Ok now this is lovely but I must interrupt and show you something. I'm sorry Nat in advance :(

Everyone turned to Nat confusion etched of their faces, but Nat was too busy wondering what k ment.

Now we will watch the new black widow movie trailer, some things you didn't know about Nat will be revealed

This is the first of two trailers that I'll be showing you enjoy.

Part 2 tomorrow night enjoy!!

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