Poison working? - Chapter 23

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Gyuutarou appeared behind uzui as uzui used his blades to fight him, suddenly uzui's blades extended,uzui was holding onto the to of the blade with a strong grip strength.

Gyuutarou was flexible enough to dodge the blade but y/n appeared behind him and manage to put a little scratch on his neck.

"Tsk!" Y/n clicked her young in annoyance.

Mean while daki is throwing a tantrum again by saying she's the only one getting cut up.

Present time:

"Hey,have you noticed it now?" Gyuutarou asked.

"Noticed what?" Uzui asked.

"You are sloooooowly dying over there. No point realizing it now,you two." He said.

"So we're gonna beat you two slowly and steady." He added.

"OH,REALLY NOW!!?" Inosuke shouted appeared besides y/n and uzui with zenitsu.

"Don't forget about us,buddy! Inosuke-sama and his underling are here!" He shouted.

"What? Who're they...." gyuutarou muttered.

Then tanjiro came from above,landing in front of y/n and uzui.

"We will win. We are demon hunters." Uzui said snapping tanjiro from his train of thoughts.

"No you can't! That pillar,your last day of hope,will die from poison!!" Daki shouted as her hands were finish attaching her head back.

"We'll win easily you dumb underlings!! There may be poison in our body,But we're running high!! Don't look down on humans!!" Y/n shouted as uzui nodded.

"These three boys are my prized successors. They won't run away! They've got guys! Even if you cut off my limbs,I'll come biting at you! And I've already figured out how to beat you guys.

Just cut your heads off at the same time. You'll both die simultaneously!! That has to be It. I have no reason to split you guys apart and take the weak little sister alive!! Haaaaahah!!! You guys are easy!!" Uzui said with a big smirk plastered on his face.

"Guwahahahaha!! I see,how simple! Of course we're gonna win!!" Inosuke said.

(A little time skip)

" You're all gonna meet you deaths here!!" Daki said while she used her sash to attack them.

But zenitsu was faster.

"Leave the maggot girl to me and sleepy head!! You guys get the mantis boy!! Get it!!" Inosuke said.

"Be careful!!" Tanjiro shouted.

Gyuutarou smiled,"my sister won't get put down."

And just like that,gyuutarou was in front of tanjiro with his sickle was towards the direction of tanjiro's neck.

Y/n and uzui being faster,they stopped the attack. Uzui grabbed tanjiro from the back and throw him into the air while y/n has their blade stopping gyuutarou's sickle.

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