The real fight!-Chapter 22

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"Man,you got your face burned? Take care if that thing. You were born with such a cut face after all." The male demon said as he wipe daki's tears.

Tengen and y/n rushed towards them but they got cut.

Tengen got cut on the head and y/n got cut on the waist.

"Heh,not bad. You two stopped my attacks there. And I struck with the intent to kill,too. Nice. Niiiiice." He said turning to the two as the two turned to him.

Present time:

"Niiice.. Niiice skin,no spots,no birthmarks,no wounds. Niiice face. Im sure your popular with the people,mannnnn. And the guy is really tall. You're clearly over sic feet here. Niiice fleshh you two. I can't  get any fatter myself." The male demon said.

'Is this bitch calling me fat?!' Y/n tought as a vein was visible on her foregead stating she's angry.

"The envy,ohhhh the envy. Could you just drop dead? And you'll get a real painful death now. I'll skin you alive and claw your innards out right after." He said bringing his hands close to his face.

"Onii-chan,he's not the only one. There's more!! Go kill the girl who burned me! Do it! I was working so hard. I was working super super hard alone...! And yet they all got in the way and bullied me!! They all kept bullying me!!" Daki yelled as she cried.

"Yeah,yeah,unforgivable. My cute dumb little sister was working so hard. I'll kill anyone who tries to bully her." The male responded.

"Time to collect debts. I'll collect one for every bruise they put on you. I'll make you spin round and round when you die because my Mae is gyuutarou!" He said as he stroked very fast.

(When gyuutarou said I'll make you spin round and round. A song came into my mind and I imagined tubbo singing that!)

He threw his sickle towards y/n and uzui,but they dodged it and protected the citizens.

That time y/n sensed inosuke and zenitsu's presence.

"The envy,maaann. You two really are a nice people. A niiice people,huh. Protecting humans,looking cool,niiice. And you're a savior in their eyes,huh. Im sure they'll shower you two with love and gratitude." He said.

"Well,yeah. I'm a flamboyant,elegant,ladies man so of course. I even have three wives." Uzui said. (Damn uzui be flexing his wives-)

"Well yeah,I'm a princess after all,I'm a war lord too so of course." Y/n said.

They both said that at the same time.

(A/n: a warlord title is given to Someone who fights on the front lines of a war and commands the troops.)

"Three wives and a princess now?! You're kidding me,right?! Riiiiiggt?! Unforgivable!!" Gyuutarou said scratching his face.

Then he used his blood demon arts to attack the two.

The two could easily dodge them but they can't because of the people they are protecting.

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