Chapter 37 - Happy [End]

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My uncle grabbed my shoulders and let out a relived sigh as he pushed through a crowd to see me. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe."

"Thanks, uncle. But what are you doing here?"

"Well... I may or may not have been involved in your friends' little illegal activities."

My eyes widened and I raised an eyebrow, curious. He chuckled and then put on a serious expression.

"Don't tell your aunt. She wasn't aware of this. And don't tell anyone at the job, I'm definitely losing my job if this gets out."

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul."

I laughed as he let out a relived breath.

The crowd around us was going crazy as guards and polices were trying their best to keep them back.

After I'd finally been set free, Kokichi and the others had to quickly get away from the place before the police got suspicious of them. I was brought to the police station, where I gave my statement about Team Danganronpa.

I spilled just about everything, from the moment I went to audition up until now, excluding of course everything that could get my uncle and friends in trouble.

And there I was now. A crowd had apparently followed the police car and there was now hundreds of people in front of the police station.

"C'mon, I'll bring you back to the house."

My uncle got his coat off and threw it over me to hide myself. He then took my arm and dove in the crowd, pushing through until we reached his car.

When we got there, we quickly got in and he started driving away, in the direction of the house.

"Phew, we made it."

He cleared his throat.

"Alright now that you're free, what do you want to do?"

I put a hand to my chin, thinking. A chill ran through my bone as I thought about something.

"Wait, what happened to the snipers at you and auntie's apartment?"

He gave me a smirk.

"When your friends told me about all that happened, including the threats from these guys, I went back home and spent my night trying to discreetly spot them from the windows. Eventually, I spotted two, but they were both fast asleep. I just called the cops and they got arrested, that's it."

"Wow... so they weren't really threatening..."

"Yeah, Team Danganronpa really hired some lazy shits for this, luckily."

He laughed and then smiled, looking at me for a split second before looking back ahead on the road.

"Do you still want to work with me?"

I didn't hesitate.

"Yes, yes I really want to continue."

"Good, fantastic, fabulous. Oh! And I've gotten news already but I might be the one on the Team Danganronpa case."


"Yep. So don't worry about it Shuichi. It might be a painful process and we may have to go through multiple trials, but I'm definitely going to crack them right open and expose every little dirty secrets."

I nodded.

"I'll help too. I know a few people who can also help."

"Good. Every little piece of information will be perfect. Now now! Enough about this; what will you do once you get home to them?"

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