Chapter 24 - Sick

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He sat down at his desk chair and stared right at me.

"You show early signs of pneumonia. There's an inflammation starting to settle in your lungs and your blood test shows that it's actively trying to fight the infection."

My uncle took a deep breath and my aunt nodded. I gulped. I excepted a cold, not a full on pneumonia.

"However, it seems you were quite lucky because the inflammation hasn't fully developed yet. Therefore, if you follow the treatment correctly, you'll be fine very soon."

I nodded. "I-I understand."

"Very well." The doctor took out a sheet of paper and scribbled down something I couldn't possibly read. He then took out another sheet and wrote in a much clearer handwriting. I wonder how doctors can do that.

He handed me both sheets. "This one is a antibiotics prescription you will have to pick up at the nearest pharmacy. The other is what you need to do in order to treat this the best way you can." I nodded again. "Thank you doctor."

The man nodded and led us out of the room and back at the entrance. The receptionist took care of some paperwork and finally let us go.

I let out a deep sigh as I got out of the hospital, accompanied by my aunt and uncle.

"Shuichi, you heard what the doctor said, right?" asked my uncle. I nodded, head hanging low. "I want you to rest Shuichi. Take a break from classes and work and just relax, you need it."

My aunt put a hand on my shoulder. "We don't want you getting worst too, so you better rest appropriately, okay?" I nodded, feeling like a child being scolded by its parents.

"For now, please go back to the house to rest. We would keep you here with us but we don't want to go against the rules you talked about earlier concerning Team Danganronpa." said my uncle with a disappointed sight. I smiled at him nervously. "It's fine, don't worry uncle, I'll definitely take care of myself appropriately."

They both smiled at me. "Perfect. You also have your friends to help you, right? I'm sure they'll be willing to help you."

My heart squeezed as I felt a shiver run throughout my body. "Y-yeah, definitely!"

My aunt smiled.

We got in the car and they decided to drive me all the way back to the house, refusing to allow me to take the train. We stopped by the pharmacy and picked up the medication on the way. I made conversation with them the whole time; we talked about everything; they asked about my piano hobby and I told them what I recently played, they told me about some disrespectful clients they had and unfortunate encounters with the "rude ass policemen from that god damnit useless station", as cited from my uncle, which made me laugh greatly. We finally arrived, around three hours later, to the house.

"You better take care of yourself Shuichi and call us everyday, okay?" asked my aunt.

"I will. Thank you for bringing me back! Oh, and what about the new cases you had for me...?" I asked, looking at my uncle.

"For now, you relax. I'll send them to you by post in a few days, after I make sure you're getting appropriate rest. Oh, and take this."

He shuffled through his work bag, looking between the numerous files and random papers. He pulled out a small envelope.

"This is your credit card and debit card you used to have a while back. I reactivated both of them so they're both usable and linked to your account. I had to give you a new NIP though, unfortunately, but the rest is the same."

I nodded, taking the envelope and opening it, finding the familiar cards I used to have a few months ago before they got deactivated due to inactivity.

"I already paid you for the last two weeks so you have all your money in there."

I nodded. "Thanks uncle. It's really appreciated."

"No problem kiddo, just doing my job." he said with a smile.

I smiled back and waved at them. I watched them drive away, going back to the office probably. I sighed, turned around, and walked towards the entrance of the house. I put the cards in my prescription bag and opened the door. I yawned and closed the door behind me.

As I walked down the corridor, I looked at my watch. It was nearly 6 PM, I'd been at the hospital the whole day. My stomach was begging me to eat something, so I headed directly to the kitchen. My head was pounding and my eyelids were heavy, but I needed to eat something.

Gosh I really felt like shit, I now realize how bad it actually is. I was really cold, my body couldn't stop shivering at all and my throat was dry as hell.

I really needed something hot, so I settled for some instant ramen. I really didn't have the energy to make myself a whole meal.

I boiled the water and poured it in the cup. I put my hands around, the heat from the carton cup tingling my hands. It felt great.

I put the chicken flavor in it and sat down at the table to eat. The warm meal was comforting, making the shiver eating up at my skin die down a little. I drank some water at the same time, a recommendation from the doctor. I also took the bottle of medicine and opened it. I grabbed the right dose and downed it with water.

When I was finished, I went to the kitchen and threw the cup in the trash and washed my fork and spoon, before going back in the dining area.

And of course, someone was there. You guessed it; it was Kokichi.

He was holding my prescription, reading the etiquette. When I appeared, his eyes shot up.

But instead of his usual look of annoyance and anger, he looked... curious.

"Hey, what's this for huh? What's uh-"

He tried to pronounce the name of the medicine, but it came out horribly wrong. I held back a laugh as I got nearer, trying to keep a poker face.

I grabbed it from his hands and grabbed the rest of my things that were laying a little further away.

"N-None of your business."

I turned around, pulling down my cap. He took a dramatic deep breath as I walked away with my things. "I need to talk to you Shuichi...- Hey! Come back here-"

I trotted over to my room and closed the door behind me, ignoring his calls.

I sighed and threw the medication on my bed before stripping down from my clothes. The cold air coming from the air conditioning made my shivering intensify and I started sweating as well. I quickly put on a t-shirt, another loose long sleeved sports shirt and a hoodie, before sliding myself into bed, under two blankets.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to drift off to sleep.

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