Chapter 5 - Changes

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And here I am now.

Phew, that was a lot of storytelling and writing. That brought back loads of nice memories, that's nice.

I sighed as I stood up from the desk, eyeing the cameras. Kaito and Kokichi had locked themselves in the hangar a few days ago and I had no idea what they were doing. The cameras were blocked from my vision, I couldn't see anything at all, maybe something had deactivated the Nanokumas in there.

I visited Kaito as well, he seemed worried about something, but I didn't think too much of it, instead, something else bothered me.

Kokichi... he was pretending to be the Mastermind. He somehow got Miu to make a remote control to command the Exisals. I've been sitting here for a few hours now, wondering why the hell he would do that.

Why would he sacrifice himself like that to reveal the true Mastermind?

I had heard him mutter about his plans in his room at some point a while back, and I was shocked. Kokichi's new persona was the type to lie through his teeth to get something and do horrible things in order to relieve his boredom. It reminded me of the character of Izuru Kamukura, but with extra energy and a god complex.

"I wonder... I wonder if he will remember his promise when we get out here..."

I let out a singular chuckle.

"That would make me so happy..."

"Phuhuhu... you're quite the pitiful creature... Hanging on these feelings like it's the only thing you have left in this world."

"Fuck off. I don't want to hear you open your crusty mouth ever again, Motherkuma."

"You've developed quite the dirty mouth there, Master."

I tch'ed.

It was true. Ever since the game started, I'd get easily angered by minor things that would have never bothered me before. Of course, it was highly likely that Team Danganronpa also messed with my brain a little before sending me in the game.

"You have to end this killing game now Master. The viewers are getting bored and want to see the final action and your big reveal."

"Is that all that's interesting to them? Me revealing myself as a horrible monster to the only friends I've ever had?"

"Why of course! The viewers also have no clue who the Mastermind really is. The most popular polls pull towards Tsumugi being said Mastermind, and very few are actually suspecting you, because of your kind nature and genuine reactions. You are pretty good at acting."

"I'm not acting."

"You're not? How interesting... puhuhuhu... The final will be amazing..."

The robotic voice died down slowly, reducing the room to complete silence, the buzzing of the camera screens echoing in the background.

Then, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw something.

I saw Maki enter an Exisal and slowly make her way with it to the hangar.

My eyes were glued to the screens. I gestured the Nanokuma to fly towards the hangar. Maki surged out of the Exisal with a crossbow and shot Kokichi.

I felt my heart drop when his face twisted in pain.

Then, as if all contact was shut off, the Nanokuma started spiralling down and crashed to the floor.

I pounded my fist on the table in anger.


Kokichi was dead.

He was dead, crushed under the hydraulic press.

I had to reveal that awful truth during the class trial.

Kaito was also dead. He died during his execution from the illness he had developed.

All because of me.

Maki cried, everybody cried. They cried the deaths of everyone, cursing the person behind this whole thing.


I hate myself.

Why... why did this have to happen to me? Why did I audition for this stupid show?


I had to end this.


Shortly after, Keebo started destroying the school, saying it didn't matter, with the type of world we lived in. I told him I would uncover the truth and he gave me time to "investigate". I went around with everyone, leading them to possibe clues that could uncover who the Mastermind was. I could almost feel the producers breathing down my neck, making sure I don't fuck this up.

And I couldn't.

If I did, it was the end for my family.

The truth was about to come out. And this time, there would be no lies. I will do it.

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