Fixed with a Whiz-Bang

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"Acelynne, I think that owl is for you" Kelly said, pointing out the grey speckled owl that was sitting on the table in front of me, his leg stuck out and eyes fixed on my plate of food. It was probably a school owl, that or I was getting mail from people I didn't know.

"And?" I barely looked up from my plate, fixed on stirring around my food but never taking a bite.

"Well, aren't you going to, I don't know, take the letter?" Laura rolled her eyes. I shook my head and continued to keep my head down, letting my hair shield my face from the table. It would be safe to say that since George and I had our talk, I hadn't been very enthusiastic about anything.

"What's the point?" I sighed and pushed my plate away from me. Kelly and Laura looked at each other, half concerned and half sarcastic, before standing up and linking arms with me. They lifted me from my seat and pulled me out of the hall with a purpose in their walk.

They pushed me against a wall and stood in front of me in their trade-mark identical stances. "Ace, could you just get over yourself and talk to him?" Kelly sighed and clucked her tongue.

"You have no right to sit around moping all day, when you're the one that called for the break!" Laura put extremely bluntly.

I knew I had to talk to him. I had thought our situation over, and I thought we could make it work. But by the way he was avoiding me in the corridors, and the look of dread that was constantly on his face, I knew he didn't feel the same way. He had finally came to the decision I knew that was coming from the moment I realised I had feelings for him. I was too young.

A part of me wanted to get it over with, but a part of me just wanted to go hide in the astronomy tower and hope he would never find me. Then technically, if he never found me, we wouldn't ever break up.

"Well, Ace?" they said at the same time. I shrugged and shuffled my feet against the floor, my eyes drifting back to the Great Hall only to catch a painful glimpse of red hair.

"What if I talk to him, and he doesn't want me back?" I whispered. Laura sighed and stepped towards me, placing her hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye.

"You won't know unless you talk to him" she said with a soft smile on her face.

Kelly opened her mouth to add something, but her words were lost as the bell rung and filled the air. "Let's go to class" I shrugged Laura off and headed for our first class.


"Ace, are you sure about this?" Kelly asked as we sat down in the bleachers.

"Yep" I squeaked and kept my eyes fixed on the back of the head of the person in front of me. "I mean, why would I have a problem with going to a simple Quidditch match? We're playing Slytherin, and I'm a Gryffindor. It's in my blood."

"Well, other than the fact that you hate Quidditch and George is playing" Laura said and inched her way closer to Neville.

"I'm going to have to get used to it, seeing George...." but not having him, I finished in my head. Nobody said a thing, but turned their attention back towards the game.

You don't even know what he's going to say, the little voice in the back of my head said. I jumped, slightly surprised at this spontaneous appearance.

Look whose back. You know, I could have used you about a million times since you last talked to me. Did you have a fun little vacation on the back of my head?

Hey, don't get all bitchy at me. I only show up when there's a problem and you can't figure it out. I'm the one that picks up the pieces, so I suggest you start being nice to me.

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