I'm Fine

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Disclaimer: Items written in bold are direct extracts from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JKR. Obviously all rights go to her for her original work.

"Acelynne!!!" Laura was jumping on the foot of my bed, screaming as she tossed pillows at my head. "Acelynne Connors you need to get your lazy arse out of bed, and go see what your boyfriend posted in the common room!"

I groaned, flailing my hands and feet, punishing the mattress for this rude awakening.. "What'r you talking about?" I grumbled and rubbed my eyes, glaring at the blond that now sat on my floor.

"The twins posted something on the bulletin board last night and it's got all of the first years talking" Kelly shrugged and pulled her shirt over her head. "And besides, you have about ten minutes to get downstairs and eat before all of the food is gone."

I sighed and threw off my covers, ignoring the fact that Laura was smirking at me from the floor. "And you couldn't have woken me up more gently because....?" I scratched my head and pulled out my wand, running it over my hair and straightening out all of the awkward kinks. Magic, it was a pretty useful thing.

Quickly, I scurried over to my trunk and pulled out my uniform. I tried to throw it on as quickly as possible, turning myself away inconspicuously and covering the scars across my torso. Laura and Kelly had an idea of what had happened, but I didn't need their pitying glances anymore than I needed a bullet to the brain.

"What are those?" Lavender asked. She pointed to my stomach, which had been partially exposed as I struggled to pull my head through the hole.

"None of your damn business" I rolled my eyes and self consciously tucked my shirt into my skirt. "Get lost, Lavender."

Lavender shrugged and continued to brush her hair. But Laura and Kelly were staring at me with wide eyes, unblinkingly and unnervingly.

"What the hell Ace" Laura shook her head and pointed to my stomach. "You told us about what happened...." she shook her head and stood up from the floor.

"But you never said it was that bad" Kelly bit her lip.

"I'm fine now, so there's no use in talking about it" I shrugged and pulled up my stockings.

"But Ace-ˮ Laura started and I turned around to glare at her.

"I'M FINE!"I shouted, startling even myself. Kelly and Laura jumped slightly and looked at me with hesitant eyes. "I'm fine...."

Neither of them responded, my words ringing with finality. They merely sharing concerned glances between each other instead.

"Let's just go get something to eat" I sighed and tore down the stairs, hoping that they were following behind me. A crowd had formed at the bottom of the stairs, mostly of the younger grades, and were swarmed around the message board.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" I shouted and pushed through the crowd. "FIFTH YEAR COMING THROUGH!" I pushed my way to the front and stopped to read the much-anticipated poster that seemed to be causing all of this commotion.


Pocket money failing to keep pace with all of your outgoings?

Like to earn a little extra gold?

Contact Fred and George Weasley, Gryffindor common room,

for simple, part-time, and virtually painless jobs.

(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk.)

I read the poster and snorted loudly. "Move it along!" I sighed and pointed the crowd away, sending the crowd of firsties out of the common room.

I'll Catch You (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя