The Trials of Being a Prankers Girlfriend

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Apparently it was going to take an apocalypse to allow me a good night's sleep. I had gotten a decent few hours sleep snuggled up on my cot at the foot of Ginny's bed, and still managed to stay half-asleep when the extremely bright sun tried to blind me through my eyelids. But, as per usual, I woke up ridiculously early and it wasn't exactly my own choice. It was kind of hard to sleep through the high-pitched shrieking of...


I shut my eyes tighter and put my head under my pillow. Even through the thick material, I could hear the sporadic explosions that were audible from the opposite side of the house. Molly shrieked again, and I groaned. It would have been a miracle to get back to sleep now.

With a sigh, I sat up and readjusted my pillows. "Ginny?" I hissed in her direction. She yawned and rolled onto her side, obviously still asleep. "Ginny, are you awake?" I hissed again and she didn't move. I threw my pillow and missed by about three feet. Apparently once you got used to it, you could sleep through it.

I stumbled across the room, stepping over a tragic amount of clothing and Quidditch supplies, and into the hallway. The sounds of explosions seemed to be getting louder and louder as I neared the stairway that adjoined to the kitchen. The final explosion practically shook the house, causing me to lose my footing on the very top step and tumble downwards.

"Fred! George!" Molly turned to me, her wand raised in the air in frustration. "Oh, sorry Acelynne" she apologized, running across the kitchen to help me up. "Are you alright?" she asked before turning back to an extremely porridge covered kitchen. It was everywhere, globs of off-white sticking to every flat surface, including the ceiling.

"Its okay" I mumbled, nursing my sore behind. "I tend to trip a lot. Don't think much of it" I shrugged and flicked a lump off the table.

"Okay" she smiled and with a flick of her wand, a large proportion of the goop was gone. "We didn't wake you up, did we?"

"Oh no" I lied and rubbed my eyes. "I'm an early riser. Do you need any more help with that?" She shook her head and continued to stare into a giant pot, obviously perturbed before flicking her wand and summoning up a large package of oats.

"Oh no Acelynne dear, I know how to handle those boys and this mess. What would you like for breakfast? Bangers? Eggs? Porage?" she asked sarcastically, zapping away another glob that had fallen from the ceiling and landed on the table.

"Just toast, but I can just make it myself if you don't mind pointing me to the toaster" I shrugged and she waved a hand dismissively at me. She blinked for a moment before giving me on a full look of confusion.

"What's a toaster?" she asked, pulling out a loaf of bread and putting a few slices on a plate. She pointed her wand at the bread and it was quickly toasted. The plate was dropped in front of me as she waited for an answer, summoning up multiple jars of jam.

"A muggle device, it toasts bread without magic" I opened a jar of strawberry jam. Each of them had been hand labelled and most of them were running dangerously low. "My dad has one but why would he need it when we have magic?" I asked, more to myself than anything.

"Some wizards just take interest in muggle toys, I guess" she shrugged and sat down beside me, cupping her hands around a mug of tea. "Much like Arthur. For all of our sakes, don't mention the toaster to him. You'll never be able to shut him up." She laughed and gazed thoughtfully up the stairs. "I wonder where the boys are."

I pushed the final piece of toast into my mouth, a rather large one that caused me to swallow painfully as it scraped the back of my throat. "I haven't seen them and Ginny was still asleep when I woke up." I said once I swallowed.

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