Chapter 10

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Summer was finally here and the students of the U.A were finally let go to enjoy it to their heart's content. Some had to stay behind for extra lessons and obviously, Katsuki wasn't one of them. He had packed up everything from the night before with the help of Izuku on video chat. He had arranged with his mother, who was surprised he and Izuku had gotten back in touch to stay at the greenette's apartment for the duration. She accepted but had to visit twice a week. It was fair and on the day they were released Izuku was waiting at the entrance. Bakugo was one of the first sets to head out so many people were greeted with this handsome male with green hair and equally green eyes kissing the life out of what they knew was the most aggressive person at the U.A.

They were talking about a person who refused second place simply because Todoroki didn't fully go all out in the fight. The guy they had to bind in custom-made metal cuffs and gag to get him up on the spot to take the medal. Here he was being coddled by what was the description of a gentleman. Friendly smiles and charming words from what they could overhear as they joined their parents and the look of love he showed Katsuki even when he was glaring at him from time to time. He was wearing a shoulder bag in the color red which matched his red high tops that got compliments with his black ripped jeans and white T-shirt with black paint splatter. His hair was in a fresh undercut along with black ear studs. 

As they continued to chat Izuku took Katsuki's heavy duffel bag while passing off his shoulder bag. 'He's so nice and how did Katsuki get him,' Some wondered as they stared at the obvious couple if Izuku's affection wasn't already a big fucking Pride flag. As they continued chatting they headed off onto Izuku's apartment. They stopped to shop up and goods before heading in for a big brunch. Katsuki was greeted by a completely different living room. It was decked out in black themes with the kanji for 'victory' and the number #1. 

"It's play season so I decorated the room accordingly," Izuku said as he garnered Katsuki's confused look. 

"So your number on your jersey is #1?" Katsuki teased a bit, Izuku smirked grabbed his jersey from the bedroom closet. He tossed it at Katsuki. 

"And you're wearing it all summer," Izuku stated as he carried Katsuki's bag into their room. Katsuki held up the jersey with a looked of awe. "Don't worry we have play uniforms different so you can keep it."

"It smells like you," Katsuki said as he took in the scent. Izuku peeked from the door with a cheeky smirk. 

"Would you like to give it to me to wear when the scent wears off?"

"Please?" Katsuki pouted as Izuku came up to plant little kisses on his mouth. 

"No problem baby," Izuku said before planting a firm one on his lips. Katsuki held an arm around him, playing in the bit of green hair he could get. They pulled back after a bit before Izuku tugged at his uniform. "Time to ditch this." He took Katsuki by the tie and dragged him into their bedroom. 

Katsuki noted that his side of the closet had expanded. More red feminine clothing along with white, pink, and baby blue. A little black sprinkled in as well. "I would've bought underwear but I don't know your size," Izuku turned to him with a pointed look that made Katsuki flush. 

"I'm small," He muttered under his breath. 

"So the sinful waist really does live up to the standards," The emerald boy teased as Katsuki pushed him away playfully. "Come on go shower and we can go out tonight."

"A date?" Katsuki asked as he walked back to the bathroom. 

"Just a bit of outing at a ramen restaurant. If you want five stars then that'll have to wait till we're 18," Izuku said with a slight devious smirk. Katsuki blushed at the confirmation that their relationship would be long-lasting. 

"I'll take ramen for now," Katsuki bounded into the bathroom and Izuku set about picking out Katsuki's outfit. 

Once Katsuki saw his outfit as Izuku went into the bathroom he became flustered

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Once Katsuki saw his outfit as Izuku went into the bathroom he became flustered. He pulled it on, forgoing underwear as it was too long and would peek out from the shorts. He allowed the straps to stay at his sides with left him in the tube top. He pulled on some white sneakers and admired Izuku's taste in clothes. He touched along the plain choker he always wore and smiled. He liked this life. Being treated like a princess. He didn't deserve it but he would make sure to give Izuku everything he needs in return. 

"Your tits look huge in that and your ass is fantastic," Izuku surprised him from behind. Katsuki jumped but didn't move as Izuku's hands cupped his large pectorals which he had to admit did look like breasts. It was an insecurity but seeing those large manly hands on him made him reconsider. The shorts stopped under his ass which was a proud asset he had so he was good. "Should we trim your hair a bit too or do you want to keep it?"

"I wanna keep it this way, it's just me," Katsuki said with a grateful grin. Izuku nodded and stepped into the closet. He came back out with a new outfit and ready to go. 

"Come on and stop drooling," Izuku chuckled as Katsuki got a hazy look on his face

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"Come on and stop drooling," Izuku chuckled as Katsuki got a hazy look on his face. He took the blonde by his small waist and ushered him out into the city. It was nearing sundown as they roamed the city window shopping to work up an appetite. Katsuki could feel the stares he was getting but he was happily clinging to Izuku's arm who was scowling at anyone who so much as stared long enough to be considered a perverted fucker. 

They finally made it to the ramen restaurant but with baggage as Katsuki wanted somethings and who Izuku to deny him. Izuku held the door open and they headed inside to take their seats. A waitress came over as Katsuki was settling his bags in the seat so Izuku ordered for them. "Ramyeon for my date, don't hold back on the spices and I'll have Tonkotsu. Extra-large for both."

"Any drinks with that?" She asked as she admired Izuku's features but as she turned to his date her hopes were dashed by the very attractive feminine boy. 

"Sparkling soda," Katsuki said with a fake smile. She hurried back to place the order. 

"Now that's not very nice," Izuku scolded lightly, Katsuki turned to him with a deadpanned expression. 

"Leave her a good tip to help ease your troubled soul then," He puffed his cheeks and Izuku leaned over to pinch them. 

"I love jealously on you sadly I'm not sleazy boyfriend so I won't see it often." 

Katsuki scowled. "Sadly?!" 

Izuku grinned and leaned over and kissed him squarely on the lips. "Dearest Kats," Katsuki's eyes widened at the nickname. There was endearment in the name, he had gotten a bit of Izuku back again. 

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