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Remus opens his phone to a worrying message from James, as soon as he hears Sirius needs him he jumps out of bed a, throws a jumper on and grabs his bag. Remus throws a change of clothes and a few other things that he might need into a rucksack . He ran down stairs use the fireplace for the floo system.
"Where do you think you are going?" Remus heard his mother call from the kitchen.
"I-I have to - I need to go...." Remus stuttered. His mother frowned at him.
"Look Sirius really needs me, something very bad has happened please please can I go?"
"Ok, you can go but don't be gone too long. And keep in touch. Oh and be careful." Remus' mother replied.
"Ok, going now. Bye Mum.."
Remus rushed into the fireplace throwing the green powder in and as per usual marvelling at the beauty of the wizarding world. He said James' address  and closed his eyes.
He opened his eyes to James' cozy living room. Remus glanced around and saw Sirius asleep on the sofa. Tiptoeing over he saw Sirius' tear stained face and short hair. It saddened him every summer when he would see that as per usual Sirius' parents had cut it all of. Remus was the only one out of the marauders who was able to regrow hair so he would usually do it for him. As he got closer he noticed several buses on his bare chest and face, he still had a bloody nose so Remus hurried through to the kitchen to grab a cloth. He dampened the cloth as he thought of how anyone could ever do that to their kid.
When Remus sat down beside Sirius he woke up a little "James?" Sirius muttered.
"No, it's just moony. Could you sit up so that I could clean your face please?"
Sirius slowly sat up, not at all awake yet and allowed Remus to clean the blood of his face. After it was gone Remus set the cloth down on the wooden floor and rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. They fell asleep like that.
A few hours later Remus was woken up by a worried looking games shaking him. "Remus, Remus. Wake up" he whispered.
Remus slowly stood up, letting Sirius' head gently hit the sofa cushions.
James lead Remus upstairs to his room and sat him down on his sofa. "What happened to him?" Remus said, he was started to panic because of the terrified look on his friends face.
"It was his parents, they found the letters from you..." James replied.
"I-it was all because of me?" Remus had a tendency to blame everything bad that happened on himself so of course he would see this as all his fault.
James replied by retelling what Sirius had told him earlier.
"I - I can't believe those, those dickheads. All of that just because of their son's sexuality a-and his brother, his brother cast an unforgivable curse on him...I hate them. I hate the whole lot of them."
"I know, I do too." James put a arm around his friend's shoulder.
"Me three, but that causes a problem - that being the fact that I can't go back there and am now homeless." Sirius was standing in the doorway, he had his hand over a bruise on his stomach and his short hair was fluffy and sticking up.
"No, your not homeless. Not as long as I have a house - Mum said that you could stay here as long as you need. There is a spare room down the hall and that can be your room. There is a sofa in there so moony can stay as long as you need." James responded as he stood up and gestured for him to sit on the sofa.
"Really, thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you guys." Sirius smiled with happy tears for once welling up in his eyes.
"Sit still so I can grow your hair out, you look stupid like that," Remus joked as he pulled his wand out and turned to his boyfriend.

702 words
Part four

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