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T-there was a flash of light but I-I just felt all pain. I could hear someone somewhere in the room sobbing but I don't know who, t-the pain was unbearable. James, M-my own brother c-cast an unforgivable curse on m-me. I couldn't bare the pain so I fell to my knees and c-curled up in a ball e-eventually he stopped I and I saw him fall to his knees. I didn't have enough time to proses what had happened before my father k-kicked me and asked again what the letters were. I told him that they were from by boyfriend and he kicked me again and called me a faggot. My mother said that she never wanted to see me again. My -parents left the room and I was left in there with regulus. He tried to apologise but I wouldn't listen. Eventually I was able to get up I s-s-slammed the door behind me and ran out of the house not even thinking about getting a-anything."  Sirius had tears running down his neck and onto his shirt by the time he was finished. He collapsed onto James' shoulder. After a while Sirius fell asleep. James lay him down on the sofa and went up to his room. He sat on his bed and turned his phone on. He messaged his parents to tell them that Sirius was staying the night on the sofa so that they wouldn't be alarmed when they saw him. Then he texted Remus: come over here as soon as possible, Sirius showed up on my doorstep a couple of hours ago sobbing- it was because of his parents. Be here as soon as possible I know that he really needs his boyfriend.

303 words
Part 3

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