Chapater 14

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I took off the outer layer of my robes as fast as I could. The damned thing had caught fire after an explosion and had nearly burnt my shoulder off.

"You really should get some armour, kid." Said Rex beside me.

"Let's discuss my poor fashion choices later, Rex. We need to hold them off until the shield-"

My frustrated rant was cut short by the shield powering off. Finally. The enemy had almost got to the heavy cannons, and now, with their only protection gone, we had the high ground. Orders were yelled and the cannons loaded. And our fighting was renewed with double the strength now that the situation didn't seem as hopeless. Ahsoka and her master had made it, thank the Force.

Master Kenobi had captured General Loathsom and reinforcements were arriving. Just in time. I sighed in relief and patted Rex's shoulder.

"We did it, Captain."

While Rex set off to look for Skywalker, I went looking for my own master. He was speaking to Master Yoda while the troops marched off the cruiser and onto the surface. They were discussing the matter of Jabba's son being kidnapped, and how to go about the matter in the best way. It was a delicate situation. Sould Jabba decide to side with the Separatist alliance, the war would become that much harder. For the sake of safe passage through the outer rim, this mission needed to be successful.

"I apologize for interrupting, Masters, but maybe I could be of help in the negotiations with the Hutts." I said approaching them both.

"Ah, young Padawan. Did a good job today, I hear." Said Master Yoda, turning to me.

"I only did the best I could, Master."

"You are too humble, young one. We had very few losses today." He said before clearing his throat. "But regarding the negotiations with Jabba, I do believe it to be best if I go alone. Jabbas can be... touchy."

I smiled slightly, that was putting it lightly.

"I know, but I've been studying their culture and language for years now, master. I believe that if we show them we appreciate our relationship enough to learn them, it might give us an advantage."

Both masters looked at each other for a moment before coming to a silent agreement.

"Aware of this, I was not. Hmm." Said Master Yoda.

"Bridging cultural gaps was the main reason I joined the Jedi Order in the first place, Master."

"Then a companion in this journey you will have Master Kenobi, yes."


My new master and I took a fighter each. The logic behind it had been that once we were done in Tatooine, we would have to reinforce Master Skywalker and Ahsoka. Asd the best way to do that, was to fly something we could fight in. It was a strange feeling, coming back to Tatooine, that is. I would not be seeing the Tusken, not really, but to return to where it had all started brought a sense of nostalgia and peace.

"How does it feel to be back?" Asked master Kenobi over the comms.

"Like I never left, Master."

We flew over the Dune Sea and towards Jabba's palace. Outside the fortified place was an encampment of Jawas who had apparently come to trade, and I could feel all their eyes on our ships once we started the landing sequence. I told the droid I'd been assigned to keep an eye on them while we were gone, and then leapt off the ship. I had replaced my scorched robes before leaving Christophsis, so I got a few stares from the welcoming committee.

"Let us not keep the mighty and wise Jabba waiting." Said the protocol droid as both my master and I bowed.

I had expected many things from Jabba's palace, but not the stench. It smelled acidic, and like some sort of life form was being digested or decomposing somewhere in the palace. I did my best not to let it show, it would have been disrespectful, but it did cross my mind that they could have at the very least installed a ventilation system. Not only was the small rank, it was also stagnant, and fermenting with every second it spent inside the palace. Not even breathing through my mouth helped.

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