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All objects in the universe have orbits. The ones that don't, have cycles. Shadows and lights chase each other. The moon yearns for the sun as the wolf worships it. It is nature that holds us together as one single unit ; A complex structure.

"Nora, sit properly. " seethes Ellie. "Your underwear is visible."

"Oh yeah?"

Kai nodded. Then supported his Ellie's observation, his tone muttering - "that is not untrue."

Beside him was sat the third sibling, the second most popular guy among Romanstoff Royalty. "Gross," says he making a face.

At that, Nora listens. She straightens her posture and tugs the skirt's garment down, covering her tanned, crossed legs. "Here done."

Kaisei, the head speaks. "Thank you."

The heart of the botanical gardens was where the royalty were set. Their table was thrice bigger than others. It was a no brained that they themselves had arranged for that. Particularly, it reflected in the cold look the king and the queen shared. "Any plans for White Day?" Westerly questions, or Wes for short.

The king's eye had a gleam of condescending attitude. Red, heartless irises looking away. As for Ellie, Eleanor that is, she sneered - "not all of us have diamond studded asses, some of us actually work -"

"- I'm going out with a new guy!" Nora joins the discussion, cheeks puffing red in enthusiasm. "He's so tall, like an Eiffel tower! He send me some primroses for Valentine's. Said I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and I was like 'mmm, okay if you say so', you know?" Her brother - Westerly Penn smirks, "every other guy at Romanstoff is taller than you. Any other positive attributes?" He laughs.

"You're beautiful for sure."


Ellie smiles. A full blown smile settling upon her tangerine mouth. It was one thing that was absolutely endearing, almost maddeningly so, about Kaisei Seon. What he knew about aesthetics, most people didn't.

While Nora might be short, skinny bitch whose knowledge of dressing came from Tumblr's #grandmacore, she was undeniably the prettiest among Penn siblings. Sure, her mouth gape too many times like that of a child... Her round chocolatey orbs held tiresome magic... Her clipped, caramel gold hair were nothing special... But Kaisei was aware she could pass a beauty pageant halfheartedly. "You heard me," he continues stirring his soup as if he hadn't just shot her with an honest compliment. Everyone (which consisted of the royalty mainly, except Nora Penn) focus on Kaisei waiting for him to elaborate. Perhaps. "Plus you're a great company."

"If that's what you mean by chatterbox!" Wes throws his hands back, leaning on the wooden chair leisurely. "Why are you so fucking mean?"

Ellie corrects. "Language."

Wes grins widely at that. "Yes sister, how unladylike." Ellie rolls her stiff gaze but doesn't utter a word until she sees Normani in motion - tossing a bread loaf at him. She misses. "If this charade goes on, there won't be single person joining the table next time!"

"Aw come off your high horse, sister. We're young, we're beautiful. People would kill to be with us! Right Kai?"

A shame Kaisei would only respond if Ellie's arm is hooked in his. That wasn't the case right now, so he sat daydreaming. Popularity was fleeting anyway. Instead, Nora speaks. "You just wait on the lunch break, you'll see!"

As if on cue, the buzzers sing. Pupils in oxfords fill the place in no time. Crowding, if you ask Kaisei. Assembly, if Ellie. Playground... I don't even need to specify his name, you can guess - it's a no brainer.

A swarm of ladies shoot glances at Westerly Penn, who in response tosses back a wink at each of them. The warm sun feels romantic against his creme skin and in Romanstoff, it's a sin to ignore a Royal. Of course, nobody with an active libido and hormones and XX chromosome could ever detach from Wes' orbitals.

First, he would subtly eye you (if you haven't ogled him already). Then, as an apparent romantic gesture, he'd ask one of followers at the table to collect "roses for the fine lady" and sends them over, twined by the one and only Normani Penn. Yes, she disliked him greatly but at least he invested efforts in "wooing phase", unlike his childhood best friend - Kaisei Seon who had entered the Romanstoff, sat beside Eleanor over the throne and since then, remained loyal to her.

"I must get going, folks."

Well, he wasn't of much use to begin with in his sister's ardent opinion. Wrapped in a maroon blazer, hair side parted, a confident looking Wes launches himself in battlefield. Ellie and Nora watches him silently, Kaisei too. The younger woman turns to him. "Say Kai, don't you ever wish to fuck someone else for a change? D... Don't you get fed up of Ellie? Look, I'm just asking."

Ellie counters inaudibly -"yeah right." With Wes gone, it was Nora's project to entertain the two. Kai doesn't even blink when he replies after wetting his lip. "I'm pleased with Eleanor." Her name flows like river between cobblestones. Mesmerized, Ellie doesn't hear the buzz of kids loitering the hallways, plucking the leaves and climbing trees, mannerless children... No, she's taken by Kaisei Seon. As always. "I like determined women. Determination wins me over... Does that answer you?"

Nora pays no heed -"yes, yes. But aren't all woman passionately about one thing or another?"

What an inquisitive kid. Ellie's throat is parched for some lemonade, even so she makes no move to get up... Loving every minute of the chat. "I said goal-driven." He brushes jet black bangs aside, his tone is razor sharp when he speaks again. "Passion is just extra. Many people love it, want it in their respective partners..." He pauses to sigh, "well I don't. I like results. I like progress. I like success, I like people working hard to get it."

No wonder the Penn enterprises are collaborating with Seon Corp.

On one hand, Nora's happy. A successful, loyal man - how lucky can Ellie get to find one? Plus, he loves her for who she is. "Most men aren't that way. You know, they're intimidated by their girlfriend's achievements -"

Kai states : "I'm not 'most men' then." He doesn't need to make sitcom gestures of drawing air quotations... Nora gets it. "Thanks for telling."


Yes, Nora has to be his favorite member of the group.


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