Part 14

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(Allison's p.o.v.)

I had just finished telling Jonathan to leave as I turned around all eyes were on me and Logan. Here comes a time I hoped would never come... a time where I have to tell my family what happened all those years ago.

Klaus ~ Would you like to tell me what all that was about?

Allison ~ I'm not gonna get away with saying that it was nothing will I?

Elijah ~ Absolutely not, young lady.

I looked over to Logan to see him giving me a small smile saying that it was time to tell everyone.

Allison ~ Well let me put Benjamin to bed and then I can tell you.

Finn ~ But then you come right back down here and you tell us, understood?

Allison ~ Yes, I understand.

With that I walked over to my father and took him out of his arms before walking upstairs to his room before putting him in his bed and tucking him in. I was about to leave his room when my phone went off indicating that I had gotten a text message. After reading the message I was frozen in my spot unable to move afraid of what was to come, my breathing got faster and the world seemed to be stopped. I was having a panic attack. I didn't even notice that Logan had walked in until he ran over to me and tried to get my attention. I could see him but I was too much in a panic that I couldn't understand him.

(Logan's p.o.v.)

It has been around 10 minutes since Allison has taken Benjamin upstairs to bed, And I know your probably like getting a baby to fall asleep can be hard. But how hard can it be when your baby was already fast asleep? So with that said I headed upstairs to Benjamins nursery to find Allison frozen in her spot not saying anything and breathing heavily. I ran up to her and started trying to get her attention but even when she looked at me she wasn't understanding anything I was saying. So I did the only thing that seemed right, I called for her father to come.

Logan ~ Niklaus!! Niklaus I need you to come here right now!!

(Klaus's p.o.v.)

This Jonathan person just left and I for one am very confused on what has happened in the past that I don't know about. I told Allison that we have to talk about it and she said she was gonna put Benny to bed before she tells us but that was about 20 minutes ago. But before I could even think more I heard Logan calling me saying

Logan ~ Niklaus!! Niklaus I need you to come here right now!!

With him calling me I quickly Vamp sped up to where he was which was in Benjamins room. He had looked up at me panicked as if something was wrong

Klaus ~ What's wrong? Is everything okay?

Logan ~ Its Allison. She's having a panic attack. She's not responding to me. I don't know what could have caused it but I really need you to help me calm her down.

After he had finished his sentence I had noticed Ally on the floor, with tears in her eyes, not being able to focus on what Logan was saying I quickly walked over to her and pulled her into a hug with her head resting on my shoulder and started talking into her ear saying.

Klaus ~ Hey sweetheart? Its your dad here. I don't know what happened but your safe your okay, nothing is gonna happen but I need you to tell me what happened so I can fix it or take care of it so can you do me a huge favor and tell me what happened can you do that for me?

All she did was slowly shake her head saying yes before pulling herself out of my arms and grabbed her phone that was on the floor and gave it to me before walking over to Logan and, who took her into his embrace before she had started to cry once more. I looked back down at her phone that was in my hand and started to read the text that was sent to her no longer than 10 minutes ago.

(The text)

Jonathan ~ Don't think that because you have all your family there, that they can protect you from me. No one can protect you from me, cause wherever you hide I will find you. Also, I wonder how it will feel when you lose your babies because you choose the wrong guy.

(End of the Text)

After reading what Jonathan had said to my daughter made me very angry and if any of you know me, than you know an angry Klaus is a very dangerous thing, not that I'm not dangerous without being upset but you get the point. I looked up to Logan and said

Klaus ~ What happened between Allison and Jonathan?

He looked down before looking up at me

Logan ~ One day about 3 years ago he had drugged her with wolfsbane and vervain that she was out cold. He was going to take advantage of her. He knew that she was my girlfriend at the time and that no matter what he did she would never like him the way he liked her so instead of leaving it alone he knocked her out but I had stopped him before anything had happened and I put him in his place for that time being, but he's never gotten over it. And that was something Ally never wanted to remember do we just didn't really talk about it unless it was 100% needed. It was one of the hardest things that has ever happened to her.

Klaus ~ Oh he's gonna die.

I was barely containing my anger at the moment.

Klaus ~ Get her to bed and watch over your son and my daughter. Don't let anything happen to them. I'm going to tell everyone and then he will never harm her physically or mentally.

I watched as Logan nodded before picking Allison up bridal style before he walked to their room and put her to sleep. I then walked downstairs to the rest of the family, with an angry expression on my face, saying

Klaus ~ Get ready! We have a person to kill...

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