10 - Bye bye Gabe

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"Are you sure you don't want to wait?" Nico asked me after we pulled into my driveway.

"I'm sure. I'd rather do this now and have time before my parents start pestering me with their love." I said, getting out, him following.

Inside the house was not pretty. The kitchen was the immediate room we walked into and that also happened to be the room where I had the shit beat out of me. "How did you manage to make it to my house?" Nico asked, crouching next to the blood that was on the floor.

"That's actually a good question." I said, getting the cleaning supplies from underneath the sink. "Probably the fact that my body's getting used to these types of events."

"Yeah, on that note, you really need to tell someone."

"I know I know but I only have to get another year of it before I can leave."

"Why don't you want to tell anyone?" He asked, stopping me from starting to clean it up. He looked me dead in the eyes. "Why?" I tried to look down but he held my chin between his pointer finger and thumb.

"I don't want to admit that I get beat up by my uncle." I said.

"You don't want to admit it to people or yourself?"

"Both but can we talk about this another time? I want to get this cleaned up before my parents come home." I said, but like everything, nothing can go my way so my parents walked through the front door.

"Oh there you are." My mom said, running up to me and hugging me. I quickly felt my dad hugging me as well.

"Thank god you're here." My dad said. "Are you okay? Are you still bleeding?"

"Stop hugging him, we might be doing more damage." My mom said and they both let go before they started looking me over. "Wait, you're bandaged."

"I stumbled over to Nico's." I said, looking over at Nico who my parents just noticed.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Jackson." Nico said, giving them a smile.

"Thank you Nico." My mom said, giving him a hug which definitely caught him off guard.

"Anytime Mrs. Jackson." My mom pulled away and gave him a smile.

"Call me Sally dear." She said, making Nico smile.

"Of course but I better get going." Nico said, giving us a half smile before going towards the door. Before opening it, he looked at me. "Assuming our plans are still happening, I'll pick you up at seven." He left.

"Plans?" Mom asked me with a smile.

"I have a date." I said, going back to cleaning up the blood to hide my smile. I heard my mom squeal.

"It's five thirty! You have to start getting ready! Go start on your shower!" My mom told me, hurrying me up from my squat.

"Especially for a Di Angelo, you got to look nice. Luckily you get your looks from me." My dad said with a grin, making my mom slap his chest.

"We're proud of you honey. Get ready and we'll discuss all these events another time." My mom said, giving me a smile. I kind of forgot about everything for a minute.

"Where is Gabe?" I asked.

"Hospital." My parents answered in unison. "Then jail."

"Okay." I said, leaving quickly before their smiles creeped me out even more.

Taking a shower was probably the easiest part. I then had to figure out what to wear and that took a solid ten minutes of me staring at my closet just to pick out underwear. "What do I wear?!" I yelled from my room.

"My job!" I heard my mom yell.

"No mine!" I heard my dad yell.

"How about both of you?" I asked as they both came through my doorway.

"Works for me." My mom said going straight towards my closet, my dad not far behind. I sat down on my bed as I watched them mumble to each other while digging through my clothes.

"This works." My dad said, handing me a dark sea green button up shirt while my mom gave me black dress pants.

"And this." She said, handing me a black belt. "Now get dressed! It's already six thirty!"

"How?" I asked, confused beyond belief.

"You spent about forty five minutes in the shower." My dad said, giving me a wink before closing the door behind him.

Seven came a lot sooner than I thought. I was staring at myself in the mirror, encouraging myself not to fuck this up when the doorbell rang. "Ah! Percy!" My mom yelled and I walked out to see her smiling widely and pointing at the door.

"I got it." I said, giving her a look as I opened the door. I completely froze. I didn't know it was possible for someone to look this beautiful but yet Nico managed to do it. He had on a silver button up shirt along with black dress pants. "Oh my god."

"You look amazing." Nico said, taking in a deep breath.

"I can easily say the same about you." I said, meeting his eyes.

"Okay, rules." My mom said, walking over. "No later than 2, always use protection, I don't care if your both males, diseases exist. Now, have fun. Behave in the restaurant."

"Love you two!" I said to my parents, quickly walking out the door. Nico interlaced our hands as soon as we sat down in his car. "Where are we going?"

"To a very nice restaurant."

"I'm paying."

"In your dreams Jackson."

"In my dreams you fuck me." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"That dream will come true tonight." 

My Tutor Turned Me Gay? - Percico High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now