1 - My basic ass high school

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High school for me will definitely not have a happy ending. My high school is basic as fuck. Let's start with a little description of some people. 

 The captain of the football team who is dating the prettiest girl in the school but surprise he isn't a dick : Jason 

The prettiest girl in school who can get anyone to do anything for her : Piper 

The sweetest and also scariest guy in the world : Frank 

The sweetest girl who is dating the sweetest guy : Hazel 

The insane class clown : Leo 

The smartest and most dedicated : Annabeth 

 And those are just the people in my friend group. How we're all friends and are alive for our junior year? No absolute clue. Even Annabeth can't figure it out and that says something. We also have a couple other of the basic standard people that you would see in a typical movie. But let me tell you about one of the most insane character developments. Nico fucking di Angelo. 

All throughout elementary school he was the sweetest and most outgoing boy anyone could ever know. He was my best friend considering he lived down the road from me and our dads were friends. Then his life went to shit and he completely pulled away from me. 

 Beginning of freshman year, his older sister Bianca and mother passed away. They were killed in a car crash. So, Nico turned anti-social and moody all of freshman year. I don't blame him at all but then he took another turn. 

 Sophomore year he got into alcohol. I would always see him at parties, only smiling and laughing after he was far gone from sobriety. And that's when all the sex started. Nico di Angelo became a fuck boy. He basically fucked a lot of the guys in my school. I didn't even know that many guys were gay. Like seriously, I think he's turned people gay. 

 Jason Grace was straight until they both met at a party, were talking, and then Jason got fucked up the ass and now Jason's bi. 

 And none of that stopped. He's still continuing to sleep with people, I'm not judging, and it's insane that he's managing to pull this many people. Freshman year everyone was picking on him then he gets a huge glow up and now girls are wishing he was straight so he'd fuck them. 

Nico di Angelo is something else

My Tutor Turned Me Gay? - Percico High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now