Ch.5 : Lockdown

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Several months go by and summer break soon dwindled away and Gracie's final year in elementary school was so far going pretty good. Gracie was the most popular girl at her school not just because of the kidnapping incident but because of Kevin.

Kevin was known by the community quite well, several kids where jealous of Gracie because of her bond with Kevin. Luke didn't make the year any easier, as this was where Kevin couldn't scare him off when he decided to pick on Gracie.

Gracie, for her age, was an expert at not letting people get to her head. These kids are just kids and they have their reasons, and she knows some of those reasons are to make themselves feel better.

Gracie got along well with her teachers, and she did well in her classes. She is always willing to help students whenever there struggling, and she'd stick up for some students who where getting picked on.

Gracie really is one of the most positive and happy girls among the school, despite having a unhealthy relationship with her brother.

Gracie's school is very far away from the school so she has to take the bus, and unlike Luke, she had no problem taking the public bus as it allowed her to make new friends. The bus trip would often be long, but there where many kids who would join her in the bus soon so it didn't really matter.

So far, the 5th grade year went good so far. However, little did anyone know midway through the year, it was about to take a terrifying turn.

This morning was like any morning, it was December 12th and it was a cold winter day. It was a clear sky, and the cold morning sky looked beautiful at this time of day. The vast majority of the trees where either dead or had there leaves covered in snow.

She waited on her parents driveway for the bus to come and she soon was picked up by the bus and it began to make its long journey across it's path to pick up several students. When the bus left Gracie's home, something was watching it drive off.

The creature watching inside the shrubbery was... Ni. Ni smirked as he called to Ichi, "Brother Ichi! I saw the bus holding that human child Kevin's close too!" said Ni.

"Good..." said Ichi with a evil grin, "What now?" said Ni, "We follow, and when it finally drops her off to wherever... we catch her and kill her!" said Ichi. "Hehehehehe... good. I've been aching to sink my teeth into her flesh! Make her suffer for making San the weakest he has ever been!" said Ni.

"Your right, San is a traitor all because of her. She must take the penalty of being the cause to San's betrayal... and for being a human" said Ichi. Ni then began to take off, but was soon stopped by Ichi when he said, "BUT... I will be the one to kill her!" said Ichi, "Well that's no fun!" said Ni.

"Oh don't worry. Because when we kill her... we kill her slowly" said Ichi, Ni soon nodded excitedly.

The bus drive continued on for about 30 minutes, and Gracie couldn't help but get this strange feeling over her that this day was gonna be unlike any other school year. She couldn't explain it, she just had that eerie feeling that something was gonna happen today.

The day at the school was mostly normal, but the feeling that something bad was gonna happen. It was distracting her from her normal school work, the teachers noticed and allowed her to take a little break.

Soon, the school intercom came on and the principle came on and he sounded really REALLY scared. "Attention student's of Ice Lake Elementary, 2 Kevin look alikes have just entered campus... and... *slighly away from the mike* oh shit... *back to the mic* they just entered the building! All Students and staff are not to leave the classrooms no matter how far away each Kevin look alike creature is. This is not a drill, repeat, school is on full lockdown, all staff and students are to stay in their classrooms until further notice!" he said.

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