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In Asgard, Thor realizes he has not seen Loki for far too long. When he enters Loki's room, he notices the large book normally open on his desk is missing. He is not in the library. He asks Sif and she is quiet. Too quiet. He asks Fandral, who says he has not seen him that morning.

He corners Volstagg, "He overheard a conversation between the All-Father and All-Mother that led him to believe he would be sent to Jotunheim."

Thor's face falls, "No. They cannot. If Jotunheim knows what he has done..."

"Seek out your mother." Without another word, Thor is gone.

Frigga is sitting in her drawing room when Thor enters without knocking, "Where is he?" Her eyes are red and he knows that Volstagg has told him the truth, "Where did you send him?"

"Not I. But Jotunheim."

"They will kill him."

"I do not think your father particularly cares at the moment."

"Speak to him. Make him bring Loki home."

"I cannot."

"Why? Why will you not fight for him?" He stops himself from saying far worse things.

Frigga stands, proud, "I told your father I would no longer be his wife should he send away my son. I will fight for him on my own. If you help me, it will likely anger your father."

"You did what?"

"I made him choose his pride or his family."

"I will bring my brother home."

"Not by force. We must be better than that."

"I will speak to Father."

Frigga brushes Thor's hair back from his face as she did so many times through his childhood, "Be careful. I cannot stand to lose you as well."

Thor knows she is remembering his banishment, "I will be." He leaves her chambers for the training yards. He needs to destroy something before he speaks to his father lest his anger rule him.

A few hours later, he is ready.

While he confers with the All-Father, the All-Mother summons her ladies and begins to separate her life from his.

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