Chapter 4

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Pushing himself off the ground, Hermione following in his actions, Harry let his eyes travel the length of the blonde's body with a cocked lip. He looked different, not a particularly bad turn of events, although Harry thought he looked cute in whatever shape or form. The boy wore clothes that hugged his figure, extenuating the curves and shape of his body in a way Harry had never realised before. Was the boy really that well built? Harry felt suddenly self-conscious in his own clothes. He didn't think he had a bad body at all, he was well built because after all, he was active, but it definitely didn't hold the same charm Draco's did.

"Gonna stare much longer?" Draco chuckled, hands coming to rest in his pocket. Despite the confidence in his words, his gaze met the ground as his cheeks reddened. He bit the inside of his gum.

"You look...," Harry muttered, coughing slightly as he realised his words. He shook his head, running a slightly damp hand through his hair. Draco watched the action, smiling at the sudden unruly nature the hair took. "I mean, hi."

"Hi," Draco smiled back. He could feel the looks that Pansy and Hermione were shooting between him and Harry. He could hear the excited words they shared between themselves at the fact he and Potter were talking. "Are you stalking me, Potter? That kiss, you do realise it was a dare? I mean, I said but..."

"I realise," Harry nodded, shrugging. He smiled despite the fact. He hadn't been kissed many times if he were truly honest, but he did know that the kiss he had shared with the blonde felt great even in his semi-shocked state. There was no way that Draco hadn't sensed it too. "But, you know, I have I dare I need to complete myself?"

Behind them, Hermione and Pansy leant against the wall with their hands over their hearts. They grinned at each other, that had definitely gone smoother than they thought it would. Both boys could be pig-headed after all.

"Oh yeah?" Draco found himself smiling at the words. He couldn't believe how confident the boy was being when he himself felt like passing out. "From who, Potter?"

"Hermione..." the brunette boy muttered as if it were the most obvious reply in the world.

"Did she?" Hermione laughed behind them, exchanging humoured glances with Pansy. The Slytherin girl laughed loudly. The boys seemed not to be paying attention, or if they were they weren't showing it.

"I believe that," Draco admitted to the shorter man in front of him. He let his eyes wander the boy's body, the boy wore loose-fitting jeans and an oversized hoody. A look he had very well come to appreciate of the boy, it somehow complimented his figure though, his broad muscled torso showing through the fabric even. "And what did she dare you to do?"

"Well," Harry shrugged, hand coming up to travel to the back of his neck nervously. "She dared me to ask if you and Pansy would like a walk into town? We could go down to the shrieking shack? Maybe go for a drink or something?"

"Well," Draco chuckled. He knew that it would be a risk, being seen out with the boy. Though, he supposed, if his father asked he could tell the man he was gathering intel. "That's funny. I mean, Pansy just happened to dare me to accept that offer."

"Oh," Harry grinned, his cheeks almost pained at the motion. "That's such a huge coincidence."

"The hugest," Draco grinned.

Hermione and Pansy watched them, both with matching raised eyebrows. They shook their head, in disbelief. Why did boys find it so hard to be straightforward when it came to their feelings. Hermione grinned as Harry gestured towards the stairs from the dungeon and they all started on a brisk walk, the two boys in front as the two girls walked behind.

"Boys are weird," Pansy sighed, glancing up at Hermione with a small chuckle.

"The weirdest..."

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