Chapter 11: The vampire prince

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We all stepped out of the limo, that had picked us up at the house, and walked up the driveway to the party. Derek and I where holding hands.

Derek had explained to me in the car that we were going undercover to get info on Austin, and that we were pretending to be a couple. I had groaned and yelled why me at the ceiling then had agreed to it.

It felt weird having a ring on my finger, but after the first few minutes I hardly noticed it.

I started to shiver. It was really cold outside and all I was wearing was the dress and heels. Derek noticing my discomfort wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I gladly went. He was like my personal space heater.

Whoooooo someone whistled. "Sasha! Already trying to take advantage of Derek?" gasped Shawn. "We haven't even gotten inside!" he said grinning. " Derek stay strong the siren will leave soon don't worry." Seth said hestaricaly.

"Can you guys just shutup! You can have her latter." replied Derek. "I am not something you pass around!! I am not trying to take advantage of him!! I am freezing out here and Derek was nice enough to help me warm up!" I said angrily. "Besides if you guys don't shut up you will all blow our covers." hissed the triplet I thought was Jen.

Derek and I walked up the stairs first with his arm still around me. He let go when we reached the door.

"May I see you invitation." something hissed above me.

I looked up and tried not to scream. Above the door was a demon, or at least i was pretty sure it was a demon, the demon had the body of a lizard. The head of a hawk and legs of a cheetah.

Derek was still calm and didn't seem to care about the demon. He handed up our invitation to the lixeetha. It scanned it over then looked up at us.

"You may go inside now."

It said in a polite manner. "they can be very polite when their master tells them to be." whispered Derek. We walked inside.

Everyone and everything stopped dancing and looked at Derek. I looked at Derek to see what he had done. But they werent staring at him. They were staring at me!

He looked at me and smiled. "You look amazing!" he said in a loud tone and he twirled me around and wrapped me in a hug. Everything slowly went back to doing what they were doing. But kept giving us odd glances.

" I don't normally get to dance with someone so lovely." he said softly in my ear.

I blushed. " I'm not that pretty. I don't even know why people say that." I said in a serious tone. He pulled out of the hug and held me at arms length. "How can you say that! No other girl here compares to you! Especially when you wear that dress." he said then looked down at my bare thigh meaningfully.

I blushed again. Just then a strange man came up behind Derek and tapped him on the shoulder. "May I have this dance?" he asked in a husky tone. Derek stiffened but nodded. The man stepped up to me and put a cold hand on my waist and grabbed my other hand in his. Some tango music came on. I grinned I was known at my school for being an amazing tango dancer.

We started to dance. People quickly made room for us on the dance floor seeing that we were experts. He grabbed one of my legs and swung me around in the air. I landed on my feet then he grabbed my waist and swung me around. This time when I landed he twirled me out then back in.

When we finished the dance everyone cheered. They all came back on the dance floor to dance to the slow song. He put his cold arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. "So tell me." he said leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Why is an angel at my party?" his breath felt good on my neck. I pulled back startled and tried to stop dancing.

I tried standing still, pushing him, and I even just went limp. All he did was hold me up and wait for my answer. I glowered at him and tried to make eye contact with Derek. "No one will interrupt our dance. Not even your agel will." he said in a husky tone once again leaning close to my ear. "Why?" I started to ask. "I am the host of the party and I'm the vampire prince. No one would dare." he said in a smooth husky tone. On the last word I heard a clicking sound.

I didnt realize it was because he unsheathed his fangs. "I'll ask again why is an angel at my party?" he said in a smooth tone. "How am I supposed to know, do I look like an angel!?" I said hestaricaly. He looked at me confused " don't you see them?" he asked. "See what?" I looked behind me then turned back to look at the so called vampire prince.

He stared at me, I started to feel uncomfortable. "Come with me." he said in a hurried tone. He picked me up, and hardly feeling anything, I was suddenly in a room. The vampire prince closed the door. He walked over to a shelf and started to flip through an old book. "where is it! Where is it! Ahhhhh here it is." he said then walked over to me carrying the book.

"what is your name?" I blurted suddenly. I clapped my hands over my mouth in shock and embarrassment. He looked up from the old book. " My name is Elisha." he said. I frowned that name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

"Please, sit." he said gesturing towards a high backed plush chair. I sat down gratefully.

He started to chant " Memoria, soror mea, commoneo autem praeteritus, videre, autem visum, invenient, ipsum, invenient, tuum praeteritus, ad invenient posterum."

Things around me started to fade in and out. I tried to clear my bleary eyes but I was so dizzy I couldn't even figure out where my hands were. I felt an overwhelming pain behind my eyes. I moaned "what did you do to me." he nodded grimly at me. "look in the mirror and tell me what you see." he said in a serious tone.

I walked over to the mirror and screamed. I had wings sprouting out of my shoulder blades. They looked metallic. I would describe them as silver. But they were WINGS!! I looked again startled to see they were still there I reached back and felt a soft smooth surface, it was one of my feathers.

I turned and looked at Elisha, only to scream again when I saw he had a pair of midnight wings like mine. He was suddenly in front of me covering my mouth. "You Don't want your agel friends coming up here do you." he said when the door burst open. "Ahhhhh nevermind. It's to late. Don't worry they can't see the wings." he said quietly then winked at me.

Hey guys this is nutmeg1810 I hope you didn't mind the long chapter. Well I will try to keep my book interesting. So if I spelled anything wrong please let me know. So what do you think will happen in the story? Because i have no idea what will happen until it's over.

If you like this book then you guys would seriously enjoy reading Winged by Infinitive_Dreams it is also about an angel.

So watch Netflix, do a sport, read Winged, enjoy my book, party hard, sit back and relax, be a good potatoe (cause some potatoes are insane), signing out nutmeg1810. =D

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