Chapter 2: school

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I walked in the doors of Davis high officially a senior with Laura and Rachel. We giggled at each other and walked to councillor's office to get our schedules. I looked at my schedule and groaned internally. This was going to be a very hard year. I went to my first period, it was English. I had gotten the fabled Mis. Shannon, she is apparently the WORST teacher on campus.

All three of us compared schedules. I had second and fourth with Rachel and third fourth and faith with Laura.we split up and I walked determined to my English class.

(Austin's point of view)

I parked my rusty blue Ford in a hurry. I locked it and ran inside to the counciller's office. "Good morning Mrs Jones have I missed anything, and can I have my schedule?" I said in a polite but hurried manner. "your late Austin, here's your schedule, I would hurry to your first class if I were you. You have Mis Shannon." said Mrs Jones in a disapproving tone "Thankyou Mrs Jones!" I replied and I ran out of her room and to my class.

I walked in the door just as the bell rang. Mis Shannon glared at me behind her spectacles and said in an old narled voice "your late!" "I'm sorry mam I'll take my seat." I said in a repentant tone. I looked around the crampt classroom. The only open desk was next to the to Scarlet Anderson, the cheer squad leader! I walked over and sat in the desk next to her. Everyone knew Scarlet Anderson, girls wanted to be her and men wanted to get with her. She had long straight black hair that went down to her waist and brown eyes. She had long lush lashes and, full....well... scarlet lips. She was average height with very long legs. I pulled out a piece of paper and pencil. I put my binder on the floor next to my desk.

(Scarlet's point if view)

A boy came into Mis Shannon's class just as the bell rang and apologized to her. He looked around the classroom and saw that the only open desk . . . . was next to Mine! I looked at the boy again, he was tall about 6ft and had blond hair. He had a strong jaw bone, pale blue eyes, and his shirt looked very, very, good on him. He came over and sat down next to me. I leaned over and asked in a whisper "hey, are you new to the school?". He looked over exasperated and shook his head. " Okay everyone thanks to Scarlet Anderson and Austin Cooper you all have to write an essay on why we come to school and why it is important to respect our teachers. These seats that you sat in today will be your seat for the rest of the year. Now then let's get down to business." said Mis Shannon. She pulled out a stack of paper a foot big. There was a collected groan from the whole class and a few mutters about some things that can go where. I sighed Mis Shannon was living up to her fabled namesake.

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