Chapter 9: understanding, sort of

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After my first day untied Seth or one of the twins gave me a ginormous room. It had a plush carpet and old furniture. The bed was huge, compared to a king bed it was an emperor sized bed. I was in desperate need for some cloths but nothing around the place could fit me.

I walked down one of the long meandering hallways to the triplet's room. I went into to see a cayotic sight of pants, shirts, brushes, weapons, ribbons, makeup, shoes, a flat iron, hair dryers, and wrappers all over the floor. I couldn't even see the carpet anymore. I saw all three triplets getting ready for the day infront of the mirrors at the counter. Which where equally cayotic and messy.

I went down and sat on one if the beds. "I wouldn't sit on Jen's bed if i were you. She's a bitch!" called out one of the triplets. "don't listen to Jenny she's just pissy because she didn't get to kill that gorgon from last week." called out the triplets I assumed to be Jen. " So what are you going to do with you new powers kick?" asked the last triplet who I figured out was Jes.

" first off why does everyone keep calling me kick! Second what type of powers do you say I have." I asked all three of them. Jen and Jenny groaned then started to yell at Jes "you weren't supposed to tell her that!!" "SHUTUP!!!" yelled Jes in such a loud voice that I was pretty sure my great-great-great-great grandchildren heard. The two triplets fell silent. "We call you kick because of after you kicked Seth in the balls he couldn't walk right for a week." she said then giggled.

"Ahhhhh, that makes sense know." I said in a barely audible tone. "And. The other question." I demanded from the nicest triplet. "Well I really shouldn't have said anything but since you heard. You are a very unique person. In fact you aren't even human." she said in a cheerful tone.

For me, she might as well have dropped a bomb on me. I collapsed on the bed.

I'm not human?

"In fact you aren't even a demon or monster. If you were we would have killed you by know. You are something we have never seen before. You aren't a warlock, you aren't a fairy, you aren't a goblin, and you are most certainly not a god." the triplet continued. I groaned, " okay if you say one more impossible thing I will throw up on you floor." I said sickly. "I don't really care if you throw up, because we are taking you to a party!!" said the triplet I think is Jenny.

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